Newbie Taskmaster

Continent: Laenor Description: Home of LQ26. No real reason to visit here unless you are doing the level quest. The first three tasks are hunt and return type tasks in mini-areas. The last two tasks are built on famous logic puzzles. The quest description mentions needing a high charisma to complete one of the tasks but I didn't really notice where that check would occur. I completed it with a CHA of 98. Quests: LQ26: Jarear's Assignments Equipment: N one that I know of. Open Questions: Do the tasks save across reboot? I did not want to test this one. I'd recommend doing them all in one go. In the farmer task there seems to be some interesting parts to the south of it. Can you explore that farther, or is it just some leftover bits to give the area some "flair"? Map: Notes: Overview: You can use the command "task" to check for available tasks You can use the command "start <taskname>" to begin a task You can use the command "info ...