
Continent: Rothikgen Quests: LQ 39: Enchanted Cloak This level quest is almost impossible to complete on your own. You'll need friends to kill the final boss. There are a lot of items to collect for this level quest. They are detailed in this blog post below, and they are spread over the entire map. The items seem to save over reboot. You should be able to collect many of them yourself so that way when you are in a party to complete it you can speed things up for your team members. Equipment: Enchanted Dagger Dropped by Mean Looking Man in the secret breakroom He's pretty easy to kill. The dagger is "ok" and does electrical damage A smooth pair of gloves (+avoid): Dropped by the LQ mage. Worth around 7k if you sell it. It might be useful to some players though A good luck amulet (+1 sp): Dropped by the LQ mage It is held and does not go in the amulet slot, despite its name. Worth around 3k. Less useful for players unless you really need spell power restore...