Shadowkeep Prison

Continent: Rothikgen


  • Decent experience dungeon for midbies
  • Easy to get to if you are in Shadowkeep
  • Lots of Batmud history in this dungeon


  • ???: Kill stuff, get exp

Equipment and Items:

  • PervertSword
    • Dropped by the Weirdo
    • It's a pool longsword, but better than nothing
    • Sells for around 3k gold which is nice
  • Toilet Candy
    • Regen food
    • Obtainable from the toilet (see below)
  • Stethoscope
    • You can use this to figure out your heatbeat which can be useful for leading parties
    • Here is more info (note: it now works over armor): link
    • To use "apply stethoscope to <name>
    • To stop using it: "unapply stethoscope". Note this didn't seem to work for me but it works for others.

Open Questions:

  • Never been able to get in to see the warden
  • What is the watchdog guarding?
  • What does Franz's butt do? (besides the obvious)
  • What does the gizmo do?


Map of Shadowkeep Prison


Starting Out (First Floor):

  • There are a lot of wandering creatures here
    • The dwarf guards are very annoying since they don't stop an fight which makes it hard to get skills off. They go in a predictable loop though, so you can ambush them.
    • The Weirdo also wanders, so if you get in a fight, it's probably best to retreat out of the prison completely.
  • Killing the weirdo, he drops Franz's "butt" and some gizmos, and a pervertsword
    • Pervertsword sold for around 3k gold at the weaponsmith
    • According to the sign, Franz was one of the original coders of this prison.
    • Looking at it, it says "kissing it" may help.
    • Kissing it gives the message "You did the right thing! Your noble gesture will be rewarded."
    • Looking at the gizmo it says "use gizmo"
    • Using the gizmo it just says "surrrurrrurrr"
  • The platypus has "toilet candy". Eating it says it helps you but it didn't seem to have a big impact
  • Conman asks you to kill the guardian mutants at "south, down, south, east all the way, up"
  • If you attack the "Bulging Dwarf", a quick reaction dwarf will show up and agro.
Level 1 Basement:
  • The lavatory seems to be a popular place given all the signs about it.
    • If you "move mirror" multiple times, it will break, but you can find a stethoscope. You can also now pick up broken glass.
    • If you 'sit on seat', it will prompt you to do a "normal process"
    • If you now "sh*t", you will poop
    • take "roll" of toilet-paper that has now appeared
    • "wipe"
    • I'd recommend that you now "wash hands"
    • Having this, you will now have a "toilet-candy" in your inventory
    • If you try to use the toilet again, it won't work, and you will be attacked by a rat
  • To the west is the staff rooms
    • In one of them there is an anti-depression pill. This is very important as it lets you get out of one of the rooms!
  • The other staff room has a junior prison guard
    • The guard drops a prison key which is important
    • The guard also drops some other items.
  • To the south, a mini beholder Azekian blocks you from the warden office
    • I was unable to get past them. 
    • Peering south I can see more rooms of mist though
  • Still in the west wing, there is a watchdog that is guarding a storage room
    • If you try to pet the dog they will bite your hand.
      • If you pet the dog again, it will attack you
    • To the east, the dog is guarding is for storing confiscated items.
    • I this room there is an aggressive guardian lich and the sword Widowmaker <red glow>
    • If you attempt to pick up the sword, it slides back into the ground and the lich attacks you.
  • To the East is Chunkster's Trophy Chunks store.
    • You can sell trophies and compare them to what others have sold
    • Not sure about what exactly is a trophy. It's not a corpse (checked)
  • There is a wandering magician who has a super scary consider message. Passed on killing it...
    • My guess is that the magician has something to do with the astonishing gizmos since they are constantly fiddling with their devices.
  • To the east is a cell block. The key you got from the junior prison guard will unlock the south cell (Cellblock two)
    • There is a fallen wizard (as in a Batmud wizard) in the cell along with a bowl of cabbage soup
    • The wizard was pretty easy to kill and worth a lot of exp
  • Cellblock one has a door but it wasn't locked. Nothing interesting behind it beyond explore experience.
Prison Yard:
  • There are a lot of wandering aggressive prisoners in the yard worth around 10k exp each. So be careful!
  • The prison yard is guarded by a guardian mutant
    • This is the person that the con man asked you to kill!
    • The guard seems nice... Maybe the con man isn't being on the up and up with you? ;p
Prison Cellar:
  • One thing to be mindful of: If you go back up the stairs your character will run past the main level and end up in the prison yard, where there may be some aggressive prisoners.
    • Be ready to type "in" to go back down to the prison.

Kill Tracker:
  • Weirdo the no novice (not nice)
    • 6331 exp
    • Drops PervertSword
    • Drops an astonishing gizmo
    • drops Franz's ass
  • A huge cockroach
    • 1005 exp
  • A lonely little dwarven guard
    • 2655 exp
    • Drops random piece of equipment
  • A dwarven guard, almost asleep at his post
    • 4292 exp
    • Drops a random piece of equipment
  • A pet prison rat
    • 2155 exp
  • A lesser dwarven prison guard
    • 6087 exp
    • Drops a random piece of equipment
    • Moves during the fight to other rooms
  • An aggressive fat prison rat
    • 1130 exp
  • A thin prison rat
    • 386 exp
  • Justus the dropout
    • 5800 exp
  • A junior prison guard
    • 6708 exp
    • Drops a prison key
    • Drops a mighty nightstick (worth around 90 gold)
    • Drops a pair of macho boots (worth around 40 gold)
  • A fallen human wizard
    • 12040 exp
    • Pretty easy for their exp worth
    • Drops a white cloak
  • A skinny prisoner taking his daily walk
    • 13835 exp
    • Drops some bread
  • A victim of the Torturer
    • 620 exp


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