Continent Quests: Lucetium

Faction: The Efiilas Advance

AI generated image of an elf offering you a job


Map of the Efiilas Advance Camp


Can be considered the "good" faction, as their main goal seems to be to help refugees. This is also the most newbie friendly of the factions, as Lucetium has lots of newbie areas, the location of the guild is right by the ferry port, and the easy work tends to actually be pretty easy.

Unique Quartermaster Equipment:

  • Set of standard Efiilas archer gear (100 Favor)
  • Set of standard Efiilas soldier gear (100 Favor)
  • Set of standard Efiilas druid gear (100 Favor)
  • Set of standard Efiilas mage gear (100 Favor)
  • Big mineral box with 12 random metals (500 Favor)
  • Big mineral box with 12 random gemstones (500 Favor)
  • Big herb jar with 12 drug-making herbs (500 Favor)
  • Bandolier that stores special newbie healing potions (500 Favor)
    • (Skip): A Bandolier is the smallest/weakest of all the rig equipment. You'd do better getting a normal backpack or frame.
    • It comes with 6 health potions, which aren't bad, but not worth the 500 favor.
      • Each potion will hear 50 hitpoints, and can be chugged in combat.
      • Make sure you drop the empty flask if drinking multiple potions in a row.
    • Note: You can not return this item (I tried)
  • +wis/first aid gloves with newbie healing bonus (1000 Favor)
  • +dex sandals with midbie combo martial arts bonus (2000 Favor)
  • +bash/cutprot shield with midbie protection bonus (2000 Favor)
  • +str falchion with midbie ghost slash bonus (2000 Favor)
  • spellbook that grants druids the sunstroke spell (2000 Favor)
  • +hit longbow that creates magic arrows (3000 Favor)
  • +int crown that fires mage essence rays (3000 Favor)
  •  shortsword with customizable skills and stats (3000 Favor)
  • vial that removes many status effects (250 Favor)
  • skillbook that grants fishermen the 'make fishing pole' skill (1000 Favor)
  • Spellbook of 'purge of righteous light' that removes chaos shields (1000 Favor)
  • Strength restore potion (500 Favor)
  • Intelligence restore potion (500 Favor)
  • Wisdom restore potion (500 Favor)
  • Dexterity restore potion (500 Favor)
  • Constitution restore potion (500 Favor)

Work/Quest Tips:

A listing of most of the work tasks can be found at: [link]

Easy Work:

Complete the newbie sailor kit
  • (Difficulty): Very Hard
    • The items are easy, but if you add corpses to the pack it can become too heavy to hold + the corpses. If I ever find an easy source of shellfish food vs. corpses this quest would become quite easy.
  • Quest Solution:
    • You need to put two pieces of clothing, one container of water, one rope, and four shellfish into the pack. The command to do this is "assemble <item> into pack"
      • Note: You need to be carrying the item and the pack. You can't assemble the pack on the ground
      • Note 2: The pack will add the full weight of the item to it. So if you are adding crab corpses to the pack it will get crazy heavy very quickly.
    • Once you have the kit, return to Cryllara (the quest-giver) and give her the kit
  • Where to get items:
    • The clothing, water, and rope can be found in the city of Lorenchia
      • Most of the villagers will drop clothing when you kill them. You can often find two pieces of clothing just wandering around from where other players left them on the ground
      • The water and rope can be bought in the "Tools" shop in the south of Lorenchia.
    • For the shellfish, you can kill crabs in the Marble Sand Beach. [area guide]
      • Killing the crabs is easy. Carrying the weight of four corpses is not...
      • Note: When you put the corpse into the bag, it will not disintegrate over time. I've tested this out by idling for hours with a corpse in the pack. This wasn't an intentional test. I just couldn't figure out how to pick up additional corpses to complete the task...

Complete the random item kit

  • (Difficulty): Very Easy
    • Usually you can find most of the items you need by just running around  the city of Lorenchia and picking up items players left behind after killing villagers.
  • Quest Solution:
    • You need to put items with the label "It must have been forged by one of the apprentice smiths of Bat-World" into kit using the command "assemble <item> into kit"
    • Once you have the kit, return to Cryllara (the quest-giver) and give her the kit
  • Where to get items:
    • Just run around Lorenchia and pick up items that aren't weapons/armour/clothing/food
    • You can also kill wandering citizens in Lorenchia if other players haven't done this already.
    • Look for things like needles, screwdrivers, vials, etc.
Complete the scrap kit
  • (Difficulty): Medium
    • It can take some work to find the items, so you can't just speed run this task
  • Quest Solution:
    • You need to put leather, steel, or highsteel items into the scrap kit using the command "assemble <item> into kit"
    • Once you have the kit, return to Cryllara (the quest-giver) and give her the kit
  • Where to get items:
    • The easiest option is to buy cheep items from the weaponsmith and armorer in the city of Lorenchia
      • The cost of buying affordable items like steel daggers is more than offset by the money earned for completing this task
    • You can also kill wandering citizens in Lorenchia as they often drop equipment, some of which you can use for this task.
Find the Notes in the Cornfield Monestary
  • (Difficulty): Super Easy
  • Quest Solution: 
    • Go to the cornfields area [area guide].
    • Go into the Monestary (yes the name is mispelled). Look for a drawers.
    • "search drawers" where you will find a pile of notes
    • Return to Cryllara (the quest-giver) and give her the pile of notes
Get the Sarlaan Root from the VotK Fields
  • (Difficulty): Hard
    • Getting to the Valley of the Kings is a task all in of itself
    • The area where the root grows is patrolled by wandering aggressive monsters
  • Quest Solution: 
    • Go to the Valley of the Kings
    • The Valley itself is made up of many different sub-areas. Go past the gates, and keep going south until you hit a "scenic location". Take the "fields" exit
    • Wander around the fields until you find a "recently-tilled dirt patch". Search patch. This will give you the roots.
    • Return to Cryllara (the quest-giver) and give her the roots.
Get the Scout Report from the Marble-Sanded Beach
  • (Difficulty): Easy
    • The hardest part is getting to the area and back
  • Quest Solution: 
    • Go to the marble sanded beach area [area guide].
    • Wander along the beach until you find the body of a dead elven scout
    • Search the body to find the report
      • You will also find a bandolier filled with food if you want it.
    • Return to Cryllara (the quest-giver) and give her the report.
Kill 5 ant soldiers
  • (Difficulty): Easy
    • This assumes you look at the map and avoid the kill rooms in the anthill area
  • Quest Solution: 
    • Go to the anthill area [area guide].
    • Kill 5 soldier and worker ants. You can find a couple outside of the anthill, and there are more if you go into the first level of the anthill itself. 
      • The workers are easier to kill.
    • To turn in the quest, visit Cryllara (the quest-giver) and "ask cryllara about finish"
Kill 5 cave fish
  • (Difficulty): Super Easy
  • Quest Solution: 
    • Go to the whirlpool area [area guide]. 
    • There are cave fish in the northern-most part of the caves where the river runs through it.
    • When you kill the last fish you'll get the message:
      • Efiilas targets: 5/5
      • You think that's enough for now. Return to base.
    • To turn in the quest, visit Cryllara (the quest-giver) and "ask cryllara about finish"
Kill 5 orcs
  • (Difficulty): Easy
  • Quest Solution: 
    • Multiple options, but the easiest is to go to the cornfields area [area guide].
    • Go to the southern cave, and kill 5 orc guards.
    • When you kill the last orc you'll get the message:
      • Efiilas targets: 5/5
      • You think that's enough for now. Return to base.
    • To turn in the quest, visit Cryllara (the quest-giver) and "ask cryllara about finish"
Kill the Ghost Priest
  • (Difficulty): Easy
  • Quest Solution: 
    • Go to the whirlpool area [area guide]. 
    • The southernmost ghost is your target. It has a lot of hitpoints but does not do much damage. So even newbies should be able to kill it eventually.
    • When you kill the ghost you'll get the message:
      • Efiilas targets: 1/1
      • You think that's enough for now. Return to base.
    • To turn in the quest, visit Cryllara (the quest-giver) and "ask cryllara about finish"


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