
Continent: Lucetium

  • A good area for midbies for earning money and experience
    • This is one of the most popular areas in Batmud.
  • Also full of death traps so it helps to know what you are doing here....
    • I would *highly* recommend avoiding the areas outside the anthill if you are just trying to earn EXP.
    • That being said, the areas outside the anthill are full of *ADVENTURE* and *FUN*

  • Area Quest: The Ant Hill
    • You need to collect the following three items:
      • The tinder box can be found in the "hidden" slime area. Once down there go NW past an aggressive snail and then "search pool"
      • The tools are dropped by the fearless soldier ant in the top (3nd) level of the anthill
      • The tobacco pouch set is dropped by the ant queen I believe (a 40k monster)
    • The items save over reboots. So you can collect them over the course of several playing sessions
    • Also if someone else collects the items and drops them (for example by killing the ant queen), you can still pick them up and turn them in.
    • Completing the quest will reward you with a random scroll
  • There's a bunch of stuff to sell, but I'm not aware of any equipment players would enjoy using
Special Explore Rooms:
  • There is a special explore room in the anthill when you "search slime" and go down
Open Questions:
  • Is there a better way to escape the web death trap
    • Also what is to the north of the web death trap?
  • Is there any plus about disturbing the bees or is that just a death trap?
  • In the tree, what is glittering in the leaves?
  • The pond seems somewhat anti-climatic. Is there anything there that I'm missing?


Map of the Anthill area


Entrance (Opening in the Woods, Outside Anthill, and Pond):
  • Upon entering, you immediately come across Nicodemus the Satyr Illusionist who is the quest giver for this area
    • If you ask them about "problem" they will say the ants stole their stuff
    • If you ask them about "stuff" they say they need a pipe cleaning set, tinderbox, and tobacco pouch
    • If you ask them about "help" they say they will shrink you down to enter the anthill, but that you may need a party to complete the quest.
  • Regardless of what you do, if you continue west Nicodemus will "shrink" you to enter the anthill. This has no impact on your stats and is basically just flavor text to explain the giant ants.
  • When turning in the quest by giving Nicodemus the three items you get the following messages:
    • Nicodemus beams happily.
    • Nicodemus exclaims 'Thanks a lot, my brave friend!'
    • Congratulations! You have just completed The ant hill!
    • You receive 19017 gold as a reward for completing the quest.
    • Nicodemus hands you an old scroll: 'Here! I have no use for this anymore, I hope it helps you on your journeys.'
  • If you go South East you will find yourself in an Ant Lion Trap!
    • There is an aggressive antlion here (13k monster)
    • If  you try to flee North East, the ant lion will block you
    • You can flee north though without any problem.
  • Going north, an aggressive dragonfly (12k monster) will attack you
    • In this room you can also "climb oak" to climb the tree
    • This area will be covered later in this guide
  • If you hit a patch of wild roses be careful! This is a deathtrap.
    • If you "search roses" you will anger a bunch of bees
      • 6 bumblebees
      • 1 tiny funblebee
      • 1 enormously large bumblebee
    • These bees will chase you and can poison you
  • There is also a wandering "bright-coloured creature" aka a centipede which is aggressive, worth 20k, and will poison you. So be careful picking a fight with it!
  • To the North West you will find yourself by a clear pool.
    • You can "dive pool" to enter it
    • In the pool you will need to swim, but are not underwater so you can still breath
    • In the northern edge of the pool an aggressive ravenous water bug will ambush you
  • Going north, you will eventually become tangled up in spider webs
    • This is another death trap
    • If you "rip web" it will summon an aggressive orb weaver spider that will attack and poison you
    • Also if you rip web it seemed to stun my character when I failed to break out of the webs
Old Oak:
  • Upon climbing the trees you see something glittering in the leaves
    • I've been unable to figure out what that is or how to get to it
  • There are several pixie drakes wandering around the lower levels of the trees
    • They are pretty easy to kill and drop around 3-4 gems each
  • There are also ruby/sapphire drakes in the trees that are more difficult, and drop additional equipment
  • I'd recommend killing the pixie drakes when they wander into the center part of the tree before killing the larger ruby/sapphire drakes.
  • Continuing up the tree is a blocking emerald drake (around 18k EXP monster)
  • At the very top is an aggressive diamond drake!!!
    • It casts levin bolt, so don't stay and try to duke it out with the drake. Rather attack, run, and repeat.
Into the Anthill (Down the Hole):
  • There's a lot lot of ants to kill in the tunnels, which makes for a good EXP run.
    • I noticed some of the worker ants were wandering around vs. staying in one location
    • The soldier ants seem to stay in one place though
    • I've noticed that occasionally one of the worker ants will drop a tobacco pouch which is part of the level quest. It doesn't seem to be a set one though, so you'll need to go around murdering everything.
  • There are some mould creatures in the tunnels as well.
    • They are fairly easy to kill and do asphyxiation damage
    • They will also spam emotes such as "mould is sucking all the air out of the room" and "it is hard to breath in here", but the emotes do not seem to have any impact on player characters.
  • The silky cocoons you kill drop an ant cocoon.
    • The reason I mention this is if there are multiple cocoons you are killing you need to specify them as otherwise you'll attack the cocoon item on the floor vs. the monster.
  • You can go up the anthill where there are two levels above the entrance level
    • At the very top of the anthill is an aggressive fearless soldier ant who will drop Nicodemus's tools for the area quest when you kill them
    • There is also a weird slimy room with a slimy snail in it
  • If you go down to the first sublevel of the anthill there is one room with slime on the floor. If you "search slime" you will find a hidden entrance down
    • The room below is a special explore room: "Wow, this place looks so exciting that you gain additional 27922 exp!"
    • If you go NW, NE, E, you will find yourself in a room with a slime pool. "Search slime" to find one of the items for the area quest
    • If you instead go SW, SE, SE, you will encounter a very tough aggressive snail which casts Levin Bolt.
  • At the very bottom of the anthill is the ant queen who wanders around the four rooms in the queen's lair.
    • Initially she isn't aggressive which is nice.
    • She will cast acid rain (very strong area of attack spell) so be careful.

Kill Tracker:
  • A glimmering dragonfly
    • 12000 exp
  • A sturdy worker and is busy here
    • 900 exp
  • a worker ant is here building the nest
    • 1000 exp
  • A vicious soldier ant is hunting for food
    • 1500 exp
    • Drops a dark set of chitinous plates
      • Worth around 300 gold when you sell it
  • A deadly ant lion has ambushed you!
    • 13100 exp
  • A small brown-and-grey wood louse crawls around
    • 4400 exp
    • Will pick up items on the ground so often drops lots of chitinous plates
  • A thick wood louse
    • 5700 exp
  • A nasty assassin bug dashes towards you
    • 8800 exp
    • Drops a multicolored set of chitinous plates
      • You can sell this for around 2k gold
  • A bright-coloured creature with myriads of legs - and NASTY
    • 20600 exp
    • It's a centipede
    • This creature will poison you. Make sure you can get to a sauna ASAP after killing it.
  • {{ Various }} Tadpole swims here
    • 2200 exp
  • A ravenous water bug
    • 4800 exp
  • A small pixie drake
    • 5400 exp
    • Drops a lot of random (low value) gems
  • A ruby pixie drake
    • 12000 exp
    • Drops ruby sandals
      • This sells for around 900 gold
  • A sapphire pixie drake
    • 8100 exp
    • Drops a sapphire small belt
      • This sells for around 800 gold
  • An emerald pixie drake
    • 18000 exp
    • Drops a piece of emerald armour
  • a diamond pixie drake
    • 28000 exp
    • Drops a piece of diamond armour
    • Casts levin bolt
  • Some odd, ill-looking mould grows here
    • 1000 exp
  • A strong ant runs here, carrying food to the larvae
    • 4000 exp
  • A strong and large ant is guarding the young
    • 14000 exp
  • A white, silky ant cocoon
    • 200 exp
    • Drops a silky cocoons of an ant
  • A thick and slimy snail slithers here
    • 8000 exp
  • A fearless soldier ant
    • 7000 exp
    • Drops Nicodemus's tools for the area quest
  • A thick and slimy snail slithers here
    • 19000 exp
    • Casts Levin Bolt
  • A warrior ant on seek & destroy
    • 14000 exp


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