Riftwalker Entity Stats

Picture of Entities with Statistics

This is a collection of stats I've recorded for my Riftwalker entities after I completed the Riftwalker task "Brave the Lance". This post is more for me, since I love statistics and data :)

General Observations and Rumor Debunking:

  • Entities do not gain or lose stats when they are under control vs. not
  • The Defensive Valour focus will give statistics when you train it
    • I'm recording it below, but the stats seem to vary based on entity type and how much you train Defensive Valour.
    • It always seems to give +1 DEX
    • It sometimes gives some combination of +1 CON, +1 WIS, +1 INT, and +1 CHAR....
  • The Offensive Might focus gives +STR and +SIZE
    • The air entity does not get much at all from this. The fire entity benefits more.
  • The other focus areas do not appear to grant any stats (well they might give +hpr/spr, but those don't show up in the stats command)
  • As for the other skills, I need to get my entities trained up higher to test them out.
    • My guess is that Offensive prowess provides attack skills like tumbling attack, and weapon skills
    • My guess is that Defensive talent provides defensive skills like dodge and parry
    • These are 100% guesses though and not backed up by any real data.

Fire Elemental:

  • Level 29: Str: Crude (106), Dex: Crude (62), Con: Weak (51), Int: Slight (32), Wis: Slight (30), Cha: Nice (63), Siz: Large (68).
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 1 which gave +1 DEX
  • Level 29: Str: Crude (106), Dex: Crude (63), Con: Weak (51), Int: Slight (32), Wis: Slight (30), Cha: Nice (63), Siz: Large (68).
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 2 with gave +1 DEX, +1 CON, +1 WIS, +1 CHAR
  • Level 29: Str: Crude (106), Dex: Crude (64), Con: Slight (52), Int: Slight (32), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (64), Siz: Large (68).
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 3 which gave +1 DEX, +1 INT
  • Level 29: Str: Crude (106), Dex: Weak (65), Con: Slight (52), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (64), Siz: Large (68)
    • Trained Offensive Might to 1 which gave +1 STR
  • Level 29: Str: Crude (107), Dex: Weak (65), Con: Slight (52), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (64), Siz: Large (68).
    •  Trained Offensive Might to 2 which gave +3 STR, +1 SIZE
  • Level 29: Str: Weak (110), Dex: Weak (65), Con: Slight (52), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (64), Siz: Large (69).
    • Trained Offensive Might to 3 which gave +1 STR
  • Level 29: Str: Weak (111), Dex: Weak (65), Con: Slight (52), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (64), Siz: Large (69)
  • Level 30: Str: Weak (112), Dex: Weak (66), Con: Slight (53), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (64), Siz: Large (69)
  • Level 31: Str: Weak (114), Dex: Weak (67), Con: Slight (53), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (65), Siz: Large (69)
    • Trained Offensive Might to 4 which gave +2 STR, +1 SIZE
  • Level 31: Str: Weak (116), Dex: Weak (67), Con: Slight (53), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (31), Cha: Nice (65), Siz: Large (70)
  • Level 32: Str: Weak (118), Dex: Weak (68), Con: Slight (54), Int: Slight (33), Wis: Slight (32), Cha: Nice (65), Siz: Large (70)
  • Level 33: Str: Weak (119), Dex: Weak (68), Con: Slight (54), Int: Slight (34), Wis: Slight (32), Cha: Nice (65), Siz: Large (70)
  • Level 34: Str: Weak (120), Dex: Weak (69), Con: Slight (54), Int: Slight (34), Wis: Slight (32), Cha: Nice (66), Siz: Huge (71)
  • Level 35: Str: Weak (122), Dex: Weak (70), Con: Slight (55), Int: Slight (34), Wis: Slight (32), Cha: Nice (66), Siz: Huge (71)
  • Level 36: Str: Weak (123), Dex: Weak (71), Con: Slight (55), Int: Slight (34), Wis: Slight (32), Cha: Nice (66), Siz: Huge (71)
    • Trained Offensive Might to 5 which gave +1 STR, +1 SIZE
  • Level 37: Str: Weak (125), Dex: Weak (72), Con: Slight (56), Int: Slight (35), Wis: Slight (33), Cha: Attractive (67), Siz: Huge (72)

Air Elemental:

  • Level 10: Str: Crude (43), Dex: Paltry (79), Con: Crude (43), Int: PaltTry (72), Wis: Poor (44), Cha: Nice (67), Siz: Average (43)
  • Level 11: Str: Weak (44), Dex: Crude (81), Con: Weak (44), Int: Paltry (74), Wis: Poor (45), Cha: Nice (68), Siz: Average (44)
  • Level 12: Str: Weak (44), Dex: Crude (82), Con: Weak (44), Int: Paltry (75), Wis: Poor (46), Cha: Nice (68), Siz: Average (44)
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 1 which gave +1 DEX, +1 INT, +1 WIS
  • Level 12: Str: Weak (44), Dex: Crude (83), Con: Weak (44), Int: Paltry (76), Wis: Poor (47), Cha: Nice (68), Siz: Average (44)
  • Level 13: Str: Weak (45), Dex: Crude (84), Con: Weak (45), Int: Paltry (78), Wis: Poor (48), Cha: Nice (68), Siz: Big (45)
  • Level 14: Str: Weak (45), Dex: Crude (85), Con: Weak (45), Int: Paltry (79), Wis: Poor (49), Cha: Nice (69), Siz: Big (45)
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 2 which gave +2 DEX, +1 CON, +3 INT, +2 WIS
  • Level 14: Str: Weak (45), Dex: Crude (87), Con: Weak (46), Int: Paltry (82), Wis: Paltry (51), Cha: Nice (69), Siz: Big (45)
  • Level 15: Str: Weak (46), Dex: Crude (88), Con: Weak (46), Int: Paltry (83), Wis: Paltry (52), Cha: Nice (70), Siz: Big (46)
  • Level 16: Str: Weak (46), Dex: Crude (89), Con: Weak (47), Int: Paltry (85), Wis: Paltry (53), Cha: Nice (70), Siz: Big (46)
  • Level 17: Str: Weak (46), Dex: Crude (90), Con: Weak (47), Int: Paltry (86), Wis: Paltry (54), Cha: Nice (70), Siz: Big (46)
  • Level 18: Str: Weak (47), Dex: Crude (92), Con: Weak (48), Int: Paltry (88), Wis: Paltry (56), Cha: Nice (71), Siz: Big (47)
  • Level 19: Str: Weak (47), Dex: Crude (93), Con: Weak (48), Int: Crude (89), Wis: Paltry (57), Cha: Nice (71), Siz: Big (47)
  • Level 20: Str: Weak (48), Dex: Crude (94), Con: Weak (48), Int: Crude (90), Wis: Paltry (58), Cha: Nice (71), Siz: Big (48)
  • Level 21: Str: Weak (48), Dex: Crude (95), Con: Weak (49), Int: Crude (92), Wis: Paltry (59), Cha: Nice (71), Siz: Big (48)
    • Trained Offensive Might to 2 which gave: +1 STR
  • Level 21: Str: Weak (49), Dex: Crude (95), Con: Weak (49), Int: Crude (92), Wis: Paltry (59), Cha: Nice (71), Siz: Big (48)
  • Level 22: Str: Weak (49), Dex: Crude (96), Con: Weak (49), Int: Crude (93), Wis: Paltry (60), Cha: Nice (72), Siz: Big (49)
  • Level 23: Str: Weak (50), Dex: Weak (97), Con: Weak (50), Int: Crude (95), Wis: Paltry (61), Cha: Nice (72), Siz: Big (49)
  • Level 24: Str: Weak (50), Dex: Weak (98), Con: Weak (50), Int: Crude (96), Wis: Paltry (62), Cha: Nice (72), Siz: Big (50)
  • Level 25: Str: Weak (50), Dex: Weak (99), Con: Weak (50), Int: Crude (97), Wis: Crude (63), Cha: Nice (73), Siz: Big (50)
  • Level 26: Str: Weak (51), Dex: Weak (100), Con: Weak (51), Int: Crude (99), Wis: Crude (64), Cha: Nice (73), Siz: Big (50)
  • Level 27: Str: Weak (51), Dex: Weak (101), Con: Weak (51), Int: Crude (100), Wis: Crude (65), Cha: Nice (73), Siz: Big (51)
  • Level 28: Str: Slight (52), Dex: Weak (103), Con: Slight (52), Int: Crude (102), Wis: Crude (66), Cha: Attractive (74), Siz: Big (51)
  • Level 29: Str: Slight (52), Dex: Weak (104), Con: Slight (52), Int: Crude (103), Wis: Crude (67), Cha: Attractive (74), Siz: Big (52)
  • Level 30: Str: Slight (52), Dex: Weak (105), Con: Slight (52), Int: Crude (104), Wis: Crude (68), Cha: Attractive (74), Siz: Big (52)
  • Level 31: Str: Slight (53), Dex: Weak (106), Con: Slight (53), Int: Crude (106), Wis: Crude (69), Cha: Attractive (74), Siz: Big (52)
  • Level 32: Str: Slight (53), Dex: Weak (107), Con: Slight (53), Int: Crude (107), Wis: Crude (70), Cha: Attractive (75), Siz: Big (53)
  • Level 33: Str: Slight (54), Dex: Weak (108), Con: Slight (54), Int: Weak (109), Wis: Crude (71), Cha: Attractive (75), Siz: Big (53)
  • Level 34: Str: Slight (54), Dex: Weak (109), Con: Slight (54), Int: Weak (110), Wis: Crude (72), Cha: Attractive (75), Siz: Large (54)
  • Level 35: Str: Slight (54), Dex: Weak (110), Con: Slight (54), Int: Weak (111), Wis: Crude (73), Cha: Attractive (76), Siz: Large (54)

Water Elemental:

  • Level 1: Str: Crude (50), Dex: Poor (50), Con: Crude (35), Int: Paltry (50), Wis: Poor (65), Cha: Tolerable (35), Siz: Short (35)
  • Level 2: Str: Crude (50), Dex: Poor (50), Con: Crude (35), Int: Paltry (50), Wis: Poor (66), Cha: Tolerable (35), Siz: Short (35)
  • Level 3: Str: Crude (51), Dex: Paltry (51), Con: Crude (35), Int: Paltry (51), Wis: Poor (67), Cha: Tolerable (35), Siz: Short (35)
  • Level 4: Str: Crude (51), Dex: Paltry (52), Con: Crude (36), Int: Paltry (52), Wis: Poor (69), Cha: Tolerable (36), Siz: Average (36)
  • Level 5: Skipped, because I killed a large monster...
  • Level 6: Str: Crude (52), Dex: Paltry (54), Con: Crude (36), Int: Paltry (53), Wis: Poor (72), Cha: Tolerable (37), Siz: Average (37)
  • Level 7: Str: Crude (53), Dex: Paltry (55), Con: Crude (37), Int: Crude (54), Wis: Poor (73), Cha: Tolerable (37), Siz: Average (37)
  • Level 8: Str: Crude (53), Dex: Paltry (56), Con: Crude (37), Int: Crude (54), Wis: Poor (75), Cha: Tolerable (37), Siz: Average (38)
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 1 which gave +1 DEX, +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 CHA
  • Level 8: Str: Crude (53), Dex: Paltry (57), Con: Crude (37), Int: Crude (55), Wis: Paltry (76), Cha: Tolerable (38), Siz: Average (38)
  • Level 9: Str: Weak (54), Dex: Paltry (58), Con: Weak (38), Int: Crude (56), Wis: Paltry (78), Cha: Tolerable (38), Siz: Average (38)
  • Level 10: Str: Weak (54), Dex: Paltry (59), Con: Weak (38), Int: Crude (57), Wis: Paltry (79), Cha: Tolerable (39), Siz: Average (39)
  • Level 11: Str: Weak (55), Dex: Paltry (59), Con: Weak (38), Int: Crude (57), Wis: Paltry (80), Cha: Tolerable (39), Siz: Average (39)
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 2 which gave +2 DEX, +1 CON, +2 INT, +3 WIS, +1 CHA,
  • Level 11: Str: Weak (55), Dex: Paltry (61), Con: Weak (39), Int: Crude (59), Wis: Paltry (83), Cha: Tolerable (40), Siz: Average (39)
  • Level 12: Str: Weak (55), Dex: Paltry (62), Con: Weak (39), Int: Crude (59), Wis: Paltry (85), Cha: Tolerable (40), Siz: Average (39)
  • Level 13: Str: Weak (56), Dex: Crude (63), Con: Weak (40), Int: Crude (60), Wis: Paltry (86), Cha: Tolerable (41), Siz: Average (40)
  • Level 14: Str: Weak (56), Dex: Crude (64), Con: Weak (40), Int: Crude (61), Wis: Paltry (88), Cha: Tolerable (41), Siz: Average (40)
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 3 which gave +1 DEX, +1 WIS
  • Level 15: Str: Weak (57), Dex: Crude (66), Con: Weak (41), Int: Crude (62), Wis: Paltry (91), Cha: Average (42), Siz: Average (41)
  • Level 16: Str: Weak (57), Dex: Crude (67), Con: Weak (41), Int: Crude (63), Wis: Paltry (92), Cha: Average (42), Siz: Average (41)
  • Level 17: Str: Weak (58), Dex: Crude (68), Con: Weak (42), Int: Crude (64), Wis: Crude (94), Cha: Average (43), Siz: Average (42)
  • Level 18: Str: Weak (58), Dex: Crude (68), Con: Weak (42), Int: Crude (64), Wis: Crude (95), Cha: Average (43), Siz: Average (42)
  • Level 19: Str: Weak (59), Dex: Crude (69), Con: Weak (42), Int: Weak (65), Wis: Crude (96), Cha: Average (43), Siz: Average (43)
  • Level 20: Str: Weak (59), Dex: Crude (70), Con: Weak (43), Int: Weak (66), Wis: Crude (98), Cha: Average (44), Siz: Average (43)
  • Level 21: Str: Weak (60), Dex: Crude (71), Con: Weak (43), Int: Weak (66), Wis: Crude (99), Cha: Average (44), Siz: Average (44)
  • Level 22: Str: Weak (60), Dex: Crude (72), Con: Weak (43), Int: Weak (67), Wis: Crude (101), Cha: Average (45), Siz: Average (44)
  • Level 23: Str: Weak (61), Dex: Crude (73), Con: Weak (44), Int: Weak (68), Wis: Crude (102), Cha: Average (45), Siz: Average (44)
  • Level 24: Str: Weak (61), Dex: Crude (74), Con: Weak (44), Int: Weak (68), Wis: Crude (104), Cha: Average (45), Siz: Big (45)
  • Level 25: Str: Weak (62), Dex: Crude (75), Con: Weak (44), Int: Weak (69), Wis: Crude (105), Cha: Average (46), Siz: Big (45)

Earth Elemental:

  • Level 1: Str: Poor (35), Dex: Paltry (50), Con: Crude (50), Int: Paltry (85), Wis: Paltry (75), Cha: Eyesore (25), Siz: Small (30)
  • Level 2: Str: Poor (35), Dex: Paltry (50), Con: Crude (50), Int: Paltry (86), Wis: Paltry (76), Cha: Eyesore (25), Siz: Small (30)
  • Level 4: Str: Poor (37), Dex: Paltry (52), Con: Crude (51), Int: Paltry (88), Wis: Paltry (78), Cha: Eyesore (26), Siz: Short (31)
  • Level 5: Str: Poor (38), Dex: Paltry (53), Con: Crude (52), Int: Paltry (89), Wis: Paltry (79), Cha: Eyesore (26), Siz: Short (32)
  • Level 6: Str: Poor (39), Dex: Paltry (54), Con: Crude (52), Int: Paltry (91), Wis: Paltry (80), Cha: Eyesore (27), Siz: Short (33)
  • Level 7: Str: Poor (40), Dex: Paltry (54), Con: Crude (53), Int: Crude (92), Wis: Paltry (81), Cha: Eyesore (27), Siz: Short (33)
  • Level 8: Str: Poor (40), Dex: Paltry (55), Con: Crude (53), Int: Crude (93), Wis: Paltry (83), Cha: Eyesore (27), Siz: Short (34)
    • Trainded Defensive Valour to 1 which gave +1 DEX, +1 CON, +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 CHA
  • Level 8: Str: Poor (40), Dex: Paltry (56), Con: Weak (54), Int: Crude (94), Wis: Paltry (84), Cha: Eyesore (28), Siz: Short (34)
  • Level 9: Str: Poor (41), Dex: Paltry (57), Con: Weak (54), Int: Crude (95), Wis: Crude (85), Cha: Eyesore (28), Siz: Short (34)
  • Level 10: Str: Poor (42), Dex: Crude (58), Con: Weak (55), Int: Crude (97), Wis: Crude (86), Cha: Tolerable (29), Siz: Short (35)
  • Level 11: Str: Poor (43), Dex: Crude (58), Con: Weak (55), Int: Crude (98), Wis: Crude (87), Cha: Tolerable (29), Siz: Short (36)
    • Trained Defensive Valour to 2 which gave +2 DEX, +1 CON, +2 INT, +2 WIS, +1 CHA
  • Level 12: Str: Paltry (44), Dex: Crude (61), Con: Weak (57), Int: Crude (101), Wis: Crude (91), Cha: Tolerable (30), Siz: Short (36)
  • Level 13: Str: Paltry (45), Dex: Crude (62), Con: Weak (57), Int: Crude (103), Wis: Crude (92), Cha: Tolerable (31), Siz: Short (37)
  • Level 14: Str: Paltry (46), Dex: Crude (62), Con: Weak (58), Int: Crude (104), Wis: Crude (93), Cha: Tolerable (31), Siz: Short (37)
  • Level 15: Str: Paltry (46), Dex: Crude (63), Con: Weak (58), Int: Crude (105), Wis: Crude (94), Cha: Tolerable (31), Siz: Short (38)


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