Coffee Forest

Continent: Lucetium Level Limit: Max Player Level: 55 Enforcement Mechanism: 100k Blocking Monster Description: Another of the more "modern" Batmud areas with several outerworld components, much like bunny valley. A good place for mid level characters to earn experience. There are a ton of monsters to kill here. There's also a fun area quest to do. Finally, there are some equipment pieces you can collect, either for your starter set, to sell, or to use in a Rixx event. Quests: Area Quest: Coffee Time Fun quest. Lots of secrets to discover. Some of the syntax is non-intuitive. The biggest monster you need to kill is around 20k EXP. There are multiple rewards to this quest. Only one of which gives you credit for completing the quest. Equipment: A pure white loincloth +1 CHA, +1 SPR Obtained from the cherub-like homunculus (40k monster) Batwiki Entry: [ Link ] A white apron +1-2 HPR Obtained from Dr. Oso Batwiki Entry: [ Link ] Halo of Flames +5 DEX, -3 cold res, +damage on...