Seashore Tower
Continent: Desolathya
- A mid-level area with a lot of secrets
- Has some high-level monsters to kill for equipment
- Make sure you have the ability to see invisible since many of the monsters are hidden.
- The *generic* weapons monsters drop sell for around 1k gold each which can be nice for mid level characters trying to make some money
- You might need to show up here as part of LQ33: Norther Raiders [Link to Northrend Guide]
- The Robes of Haliban the Archmage
- +1 SPR
- Obtained by killing Haliban the Mongrelman
- Batwiki Entry: [Link]
- Tattered Yellow Robes
- +2-7 WIS, +2 Mastery of Protection
- Obtained by killing the old man (100k monster)
- Batwiki Entry: [Link]
- The Bloody Tail Spike of the Wreched
- +2 avoid
- Obtained by killing the Wretched (300k monster)
- Batwiki Entry: [Link]
- Black Skeletal Plates
- -10 charisma (yup, this is an item to sell or sacrifice)
- Obtained by killing the Wretched
- Batwiki Entry: [Link]
Open Questions:
- Is there a way to enter the front gate, (vs going around back)?
- Seems like there is a password, but I haven't figured that out.
- What is up with the empty crate that "just seems wrong"?
- What is above Haliban?
- Spoiler: I've been told it's a special explore room!
- Entering the area, you'll quickly find yourself by an old man who can't gain access to the tower
- The tower's archway is blocked by a magical force
- Also there is a quote from the song Paradise Lost by Rapture floating in the air [Link].
- The old man seems to think there is a password to unlock the gate, but I haven't figured out what it is.
- He believes the barrier was set by Flamius, the magician who owns the tower.
- The man will answer questions about "flamius", "tower", and "barrier"
- If you wander back to an area right near the entrance you can "search bushes" to reveal a path, and then "enter path" to proceed. This will take you to a back hidden entrance to the tower.
Tower Basement (Back Entrance):
- You can enter the tower through a seashore cave.
- Very quickly you will stumble upon a wounded lizardman who will block you from proceeding and warns you about DEVILS.
- Despite the lizardman's description you can't heal him (they are already at full health). I couldn't think of anyway else to help him.
- The lizardman will answer your question if you ask them about "devils". It's not a very informative answer though.
- Eventually I just gave up and killed the lizardman to proceed.
- Just south of the rats you'll encounter one of those 'devils' in what used to be the tower's stable.
- An invisible Mongrelman is hiding in the room.
- Until you attack it, it will periodically stab you doing 50 to 100 damage
- The Mongrelman can only be seen and attacked if you have some way to see invisible creatures (Either through a spell, racial passive, or a ring of see invisible).
- As a warning: The Mongrelman will cast poison at you. Dealing with being poisoned is a pain so I strongly recommend leaving the room after your spell/skill goes off, waiting 20-30 seconds, and then going back in. Repeat until its dead.
- On the plus side, it is fairly easy to kill for the EXP value it is worth.
- There's another invisible Mongrelman south in a combination kitchen and bedroom
- I couldn't find anything to interact with in this room even though there were a ton of items listed in the room description
- To the east is another room with a fireplace
- You can "Enter fireplace" to continue on with your exploration of the tower.
- There is also a box in the room that "seems wrong" when you look at it, but I couldn't figure out how to interact with it.
Vile Chamber (Also Middle Part of the Tower):
- When you enter the vile chamber you will encounter a humanoid covered in rags. It is not aggressive, but it will block you from continuing to explore.
- When you kill them, they drop a rusty key
- You can then go into the next room and up the staircase where there is another invisible mongrelman as well as a fork to go south and west
- Going south leads you to a circular room with a crystal ball.
- Note: This exit is blocked by a locked door. You need to get the key from the mongrelman at the altar (by killing them).
- If you look through the ball you'll get a warning message/jump-scare that an evil creature is looking back at you
- WARNING: The following is a one way trip. I don't know how to get back without using a teleportation spell.
- If you "rub ball" it will teleport you to another part of the tower.
- Going west leads you to another juncture. If you go down you will find yourself in the tower dungeons.
- The humanoid guard drops an iron key which unlocks the dungeon's cell.
- In the dungeon cell is an old man.
- If you ask him about the Tower, he says you are mad like Halabam, and that the Wretched will get you too.
- If you ask him about mongrelman he says they are his friends, but now twisted and deformed
- If you ask him about WRETCHED, he will say that he and Haalabam summoned it from the "Plane of the Insane" to defeat the followers of Tarmalen. That didn't go well.
- According to the man, Halabam is the owner of the tower
- The old man outside was looking for (and friends with Flamius).
- If you ask man about name, you will find out that yes they are Flamius!
- I couldn't figure out how to get him to tell me about the password though.
- If you ask man about deformed, he'll say that his brother was one of the people transformed.
- Going further west you will come upon a red chamber with an invisible "mini-boss" mongrelman sitting on an altar.
- This mongrelman drops a mongrel blade which is a potential requirement if you are doing LQ 33: Northern Raiders [Link]
- The mongrelman also drops a black key. This unlocks the door to get to the room with the crystal ball.
- I think this mongrelman is the brother of the old man in the dungeon
Top Part of the Tower:
- The stairway down is blocked off by a weird crystal structure, so it looks like you are trapped here...
- To the north is a mess hall. In it is two mongrelmen. One is hidden and will periodically stab you in the back. The other is aggressive and will start off by stabbing you in the face!
- Going up you'll finally encounter Haliban, who seems to not regret his actions.
- Haliban blocks you from proceeding, saying that you are not yet ready for the transformation.
- Considering they are around a 150k monster, this will be the end of this guide for now...
Kill Tracker:
- A wounded lizardman is lying in the ground here.
- 5000 exp
- Drops a silver trident
- Sells for around 1150 gold
- A swarm of deformed rats is eating a corpse here
- 1500 exp
- A mongrelman clad in dirty robes hides here
- 18000 exp
- Drops a dark-bladed Dagger dripping some greenish liquid
- Poison dagger
- Sells for around 800 gold
- Invisible
- A large humanoid covered in rags sits here
- 16000 exp
- Drops a rusty key
- A large humanoid guards the cells here
- 15000 exp
- Drops a large iron key
- An old man is bleeding here
- 800 exp
- A mongrelman sits on the altar licking its sword
- 24000 exp
- Drops a black key
- Drops a mongrel blade
- Sells for around 1600 gold
- An angry mongrelman stands here and tries to hit you
- 10000 exp
- Drops a dark-bladed Dagger dripping some greenish liquid
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