Ancona Manor

Continent: Furnachia

  • I absolutely love this area. It was really well coded and the quest is a ton of fun to solve. Easily in the top 10 areas of Batmud.
  • One of the more Newbie/Midbie friendly areas in Furnachia.
  • Feel free to explore since there aren't any aggressive monsters that I'm aware of....
    • Update/Warning: If you wear any red clothing one of the monsters will turn aggressive and attack you. They are a "beefy" fella so it'll be a pretty quick death.

  • LQ 48: Successor of Province
    • This is a real fun level quest. No fighting and all exploring. So anyone can complete this!
    • Spoilers can be found below, but I strongly recommend exploring this area and figuring things out yourself and only referring to this guide if you get stuck.
    • Go to the manor to get things started...
  • A shimmering blue necklace with a silver plaque
    • +4 WIS
    • 'squeeze necklace' for water walking (one time a boot)
    • This is the reward for completing the level quest
    • If you are a spellcaster it's a toss-up if this is better than the silk tie you can get as part of the tutorial. The tie gives +SPR but this gives more WIS plus one cast of water walking
  • A random flask containing a powerful defense spell
    • This is given to you when you bring the chef some fresh milk
    • The flask contains four charges of the spell so it's actually a really good reward, especially if you are playing a nomad background character.
Special Explore Rooms:
  • There is a special explore room in the attic you can access by using the command "climb window"
Open Questions:
  • I kind of wonder what happens if you kill Margareth....
Map of Ancona Manor

Entrance and Streets:
  • Many of the townsfolk move around the main area
  • To the west is a stone well.
    • Wells always seem like something worth investigating...
    • If you "lift bucket' an iron bucket full of water will appear.
  • There is a cliff overlooking the ocean with a large rock that is described quite a bit
    • Not sure how to interact with that or the tree, or if it is possible to climb down
  • Going north along the road you will meet an elderly lady who is planning the funeral
    • If you ask her about the funeral, she says she's distraught since she doesn't know how to plan a funeral for a noble.
    • If you ask her about "code" she says if you could get her the funeral code for nobles that would greatly help her out
  • A priest is in the same room as the elderly lady
    • If you ask him about "code" the will say it's just a small brochure on how to prepare the funeral.
    • (Quest Task 10) Once you have obtained the funeral code pamphlet give it to the lady
      • Note: If the coffin isn't in the room, that means someone else started the quest. You can wait a while (probably around an hour) and the quest will reset.
      • Once you give the lady the pamphlet the funeral will commence. This takes a couple of minutes for the rites and eulogies.
      • At the end of the ceremony a black hearse will arrive and take away the coffin.
      • The sons will now have arrived (in different rooms). It's murdering time!
Ancona Manor (1st Floor):
  • Upon entering the manor, in the second room you can "sign book" to sign the visitors book
    • It's kind of cool to look at the book and see all the players who have come there before.
  • Going east you can meet the spokesman of the province who has a scheme to pick the "best" successor for the province.
    • The spokesman wants Margareth to be the successor since they are the least likely to start a war, but Margareth is the last in line of succession (being a woman, boo patriarchy!).
    • (Quest Task 1) Ask the spokesman about plan, they will reveal it piece by piece. It takes about 30 seconds or so between each section of the plan as they tell you it.
    • Basically you need to do some murder. The sons Philias, Olof, Andreas and Manfred need to die in plausibly deniable ways (aka no straight up killing them).
    • For the first part of the plan, we need to get the funeral ceremony started
    • Once all the murdering has been done, give the spokesman a "thumbs up" to turn in the quest.
  • In the kitchen is a cook wearing a "kiss the cook" button
    • The cook does not appreciate it if your character is male and kisses them
      • The cook does like it if your character is female, but you don't get anything special for kissing him. For the record, this should highlight the amount of testing and exploration I put into writing these area guides ;p
    • The cook is asking for someone to get a bucket and milk the cow Laesa
      • Note: It seems like sometimes the chef does not care about getting milk, and Laesa does not want to be milked. If that is the case you can skip task 2, and go to task 3.
      • (Quest Task 2) You can get a bucket from the well in the yard.
        • Dump bucket to empty out the water
        • Go to the cowhouse and "milk Laesa"
        • Return the bucket to the chef, who will reward you with a flask containing a powerful defense spell (these spells are randomly selected). This is actually a pretty cool reward!
      • (Quest Task 3) The cook will then ask for some spices for their stew
        • Go to the cottage and search the desk for a jar of peppers
        • "tear label" to remove the label from the jar. If you don't do this the chef will reject it since Olof is allergic to red peppers.
        • Give the jar to the chef, and they will throw it in the stew (even though one of the sons is allergic to peppers. The chef will then give you a stew to serve to the guests.
  • North of the kitchen is a dining hall
    • (Quest Task 12) After the funeral you will find Olof eating in the dining room
      • Give Olof the stew the chef made, and you'll find out he is deathly alergic to peppers.
      • That's two brothers down, and two to go.
  • To the west in the manor you will encounter a servant who will prevent you from going into the living room if you are wearing footwear
    • You can remove your shoes/boots to enter the room
    • Or you could just kill the servant....
  • In the Living room you will meet Grandpa Ancona who just wants to read his book
    • I tried asking him various questions but his responses were random "stop bugging me" messages.
    • If you kill him, he drops the book "Canitrata and the Wolf" which you can open and read that provides some additional backstory for the quest.
    • (Quest Task 4) You can "search fireplace" to find a partially burned piece of paper
      • If you read the paper you can see that the son Andreas is having an affair with the Kastore the Duke of Margolia's wife
Ancona Manor (2rd Floor):
  • You can meet Margareth in the second floor with her husband Boriseus and her bodyguard Hamunraddah 'Goon' Taritaz
    • Margareth's husband seems like a real loser, but the rich kind.
    • Margareth seems quite sad as well, whether this is about her father dying, her loser husband or both I don't know.
  • There is a master bedroom to the east of Margareth
    • (Quest Task 5) You can "search wardrobe" to find a red hunting jacket. Pick this up as you will need it later
  • To the south of Margareth is an office
    • (Quest Task 6) "Search desk" to find a key
    • (Quest Task 7) "Move portrait" to find a cigar
      • Now go to the lighthouse with these items to continue the quest chain
  • There is a locked door to the north of Margareth. This is unlocked with the key obtained by the ghost of Maurizo. The room behind it is the library
    • (Quest Task 9) Search table to obtain a funeral code pamphlet detailing instructions on how to bury royalty. Take this as you'll need it to start the funeral.
  • There is a wandering minstrel that goes around the manor
    • You can ask them about "story" to find out some background info on this area and quest.
    • You might have to follow them from room to room to hear the whole story since they do wander quite a bit.
Ancona Manor (3rd Floor):
  • In the Eastern room in the attic you can "climb window" to find a special explore room!
    • Text:
      • You can see the whole province from here and also everything there is to see
      • here at count's manor including the yard, barleyfield, pumpkin plantations and
      • the lighthouse. Everything seems so much different from this viewpoint. You
      • receive 27523 experience for your unique discovery.

Northern Barley Fields and Croquet Fields:
  • In the far north you can meet Kastore, the Duke of Margolia
    • Like some of the other nobles in this area, he will say his home country is nice, but I couldn't get much more out of him by asking questions.
    • The area he is in appears to be some sort of gaming area, such as croquet and golf.
    • (Quest Task 11) Once the funeral has completed you'll find the son Andreas hanging out with Duke Kastore behind the mannor.
      • Give the partially burned letter to Kastore. He'll read it and realize Andreas is sleeping with Kastore's wife. A duel ensues where Kastore kills Andreas.
      • Make sure you bury the corpse after Andreas dies.
  • There are barley fields in the far north as well
    • In them is a fully grown bull which is much tougher than most of the other creatures found in this area.
      • Warning: If you are wearing any red clothing the bull will become enraged and attack you!
    • (Quest Task 13) After the funeral you'll see Manfred wandering around the barley fields
      • Give Manfred the red hunting jacket and he'll put it on
      • Go to where the bull is, and Manfred will eventually wander into the room. The bull sees red and will gore Manfred to death.
      • Only one brother left to kill!
Red Cottage:
  • In the Northwest room you can meet Iris Grax, the marchioness of Ludenburg
    • If you search desk you will find a jar of red peppers
    • If you ask her about Ludenburg she just says it is beautiful at summertime
    • I couldn't figure out what else to ask her.
  • In the Southwest room you can find Aldor Grax, the marquis of Ludenburg
    • He speaks much more than his wife, mentioning an accident, and funeral
    • If you look at the picture on his desk it is a map of Ludenburg, Margolia, and Quasilombo.
    • If you ask Alador about Maurizo he talks about the former lord who just passed away
      • The Marquis fought with Maurizo against the rioting
    • Alador is a much stronger fighter than his wife, and if you attack him and then flee, he will chase you.
  • You need to cross a rickety bridge to reach the lighthouse
    • If you look at the ropes, they are the only thing keeping the bridge up
    • If you try to cut the ropes, it will say you need a tool to do that....
    • (Quest Task 14) After the funeral you'll find Philias by the lighthouse wandering on the rope bridge
      • You'll need a sharp weapon wielded for the next part. The cook in the kitchen drops a cleaver that is perfect for this
      • On the cliff/shore side of the bridge "cut rope". You may need to do this twice.
      • It won't totally break the bridge, but it'll make it unbalanced so that Philias will trip and fall to his death.
      • Congratulations you killed all the sons! You just need to go back to the spokesman and give them the thumbs up!
      • Quest completion text:
        • You give a thumbs up to Spokesman.
        • Congratulations! You have just completed Successor of province!
        • You receive 42135 gold as a reward for completing the quest.
        • Spokesman gives you a shimmering blue necklace with a silver plaque <red glow>.
        • Spokesman gives an approving thumbs up and tears of joy flow down his cheeks.
  • The door to the lighthouse is locked
    • The mage "Lock Biter" spell does not work on the lock.
    • You can get the lock from the study in Ancona Manor though.
  • Going up to the top of the lighthouse you will see that the lamp is not lit.
    • (Quest Task 8) Use the command "light lamp" to relight the lighthouse lamp
      • Suddenly you'll hear "someone" speaking
      • For the next part you'll need to be able to see invisible. You can get this from a ring purchased in Arelium's ring shop or the spell "see invisible"
      • You will now see two ghosts, Maurizo and his wife Anne
      • Give Maurizo the cigar you obtained from the study and he will give you a key to the Anacona manor library
Kill Tracker:
  • A young guardsman maintaining order
    • 5500 exp
    • Drops a random pilum
  • Iris Grax, the marchioness of Ludenburg 
    • 10000 exp
  • Alador Grax, the marquis of Ludenburg
    • 30000 exp
  • A boy from the province
    • 600 exp
  • A flower girl from the province 
    • 1750 exp
  • A gardener taking care of courtyard
    • 1500 exp
  • A young corporal on duty 
    • 4500 exp
    • Drops a random weapon
  • A gravedigger digging a hole
    • 4500 exp
    • Drops a shovel
  • A disappointed croquet player
    • 500 exp
  • A girl from the province
    • 500 exp
  • A very old retired soldier
    • 2000 exp
  • Cow named after Loraen 
    • 4500 exp
  • Cow named after Laesa
    • 3500 exp
  • A servant for the Ancona family
    • 13000 exp


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