Coffee Forest
Continent: Lucetium
Level Limit:
- Max Player Level: 55
- Enforcement Mechanism: 100k Blocking Monster
Quests:- Another of the more "modern" Batmud areas with several outerworld components, much like bunny valley.
- A good place for mid level characters to earn experience. There are a ton of monsters to kill here.
- There's also a fun area quest to do.
- Finally, there are some equipment pieces you can collect, either for your starter set, to sell, or to use in a Rixx event.
- Area Quest: Coffee Time
- Fun quest. Lots of secrets to discover. Some of the syntax is non-intuitive. The biggest monster you need to kill is around 20k EXP.
- There are multiple rewards to this quest. Only one of which gives you credit for completing the quest.
- A pure white loincloth
- +1 CHA, +1 SPR
- Obtained from the cherub-like homunculus (40k monster)
- Batwiki Entry: [Link]
- A white apron
- +1-2 HPR
- Obtained from Dr. Oso
- Batwiki Entry: [Link]
- Halo of Flames
- +5 DEX, -3 cold res, +damage on wear
- Dropped by a blazing fire elemental
- A pair of goggles
- +3 Spr, +2 PhysRess, +2 fire res, +infravision
- Drops from the huge tinman. This is a very tough monster!
- A small, black pitchfork
- +Psi Damage
- A big red imp drops this
- Sells for around 700 gold
- A green crystal ring
- +2 Dam, -2 poison res, +light
- This is a reward from completing the coffee task for Dr. Oso
Open Questions:
- Still exploring this area
Entrance (Outerworld Like Area):
- The first thing that stands out is there are lots of imps and bushes running around.
- They are pretty easy to kill compared to their EXP worth and drop a few coffee beans
- There is also a much, much tougher homunculus running around
- It will pick up coffee beans that are dropped.
- If it is in the same room as you, it will steal beans from you inventory
- If you are in the same room as a bush, it will often teleport to you.
- Basically it is really annoying!!!
- Plus I can't type homunculus to save my life so need to copy/paste the word to target it which is super annoying.
- If you want to avoid fighting it, I'd recommend adding "take beans" into your rip_action.
- The creature will teleport to where you are at when you kill a creature, so you have to be quick to grab the beans first.
- Also you may want to consider dropping beans outside in the real outerworld after collecting them and then going back to grab them later when you want to roast them.
Tower (The front entrance):
- The tower is at the center of the outerworld area as a large (O). You can enter it from the South.
- (If you are doing the AQ):
- Before entering the tower (while still in the outerworld like area), "search under carpet" to find a key. The syntax is really wonky as "search carpet" does not work.
- In the main room is a lot of random things, (empty fountain, failed plants, etc), but the most interesting thing is a dumbwaiter
- If you look at dumbwaiter you can see a list of commands.
- At least initially, if you press any of the buttons it does not do anything.
- In the messy closet to the north there is fertilizer, dried paint, broken tools, dirty acid stained coats, and assorted knickknacks.
- (If you are doing the AQ):
- If you "search umbrellas" you will find an umbrella to take with you.
- If you "search bucket" you will find a bucket to take with you
- In the next level up is the laboratory with Dr. Oso in it
- When you ask them a question it opens up the newer Batmud dialog options.
- Most of the dialog options end up with Dr. Oso asking for a cup of coffee. For this he needs:
- 50 ground brown beans from this forest
- You need to bake them someplace
- Then you can grind them in the cellar
- A bucket of pure rainwater
- He says he normally collects his rainwater on the rooftop.
- Dr. Oso's coffee mug
- He said the last time he saw it he was in the library.
- Note the dialog is a bit wonky as I got kicked out of it, and then Dr. Oso said they were too tired to answer any questions.
- In the bedroom you can "look under bed" to find a box
- This seems to be a theme in the Batmud Wizard Heidel's areas...
- If you "search box" you will find medical equipment including:
- pale root
- some bandages
- a stethoscope
- a sewing needle
- (If you are doing the AQ): The stethoscope is important for getting in the locked door
- In the next level is the library
- The one interesting feature is the locked door with a set of dials (so no picking it!)
- It has three dials and they take a while to reset so guessing is not a feasible option.
- To open the door "apply stethoscope to door"
- What follows is a game of mastermind. Turn the dials and you'll hear "klonks" that indicate you got one of the numbers right. Then you need to figure out which one, then continue trying for the other two numbers.
- In the safe there are a couple things to explore:
- If you "look at empty shelf" you will find an alcove.
- If you "look at alcove" you will see posters. If you "look at posters" you will find pictures of naked cat ladies....
- (If you are doing the AQ):
- Look at table, then look at papers. You will find the mug
- "take mug" to pick it up.
- The button in the room locks/unlocks the door so you don't get stuck in there.
- On the roof of the tower is another "outerworld like" area to wander around in.
- There are invisible rain clouds that you can attack if you have a method to see invisible (such as a ring from Arelium city's ring shop).
- The clouds move around really fast and don't pause to fight so you need to chase them all over the roof which is annoying. Forget using any long skills/spells.
- (If you are doing the AQ):
- drop the bucket on the roof
- "open umbrella"
- After you do that it will start to rain. Wait a couple of minutes for the bucket to fill up all the way. You can look at the bucket to see how full it is.
- Side note: After you do this the umbrella will break so you can't use it again.
Tower Cellar (Aka the back entrance):
- At the back (Northern) side of the tower is a hidden entrance to the cellar
- You can "search bushes" to reveal the entrance
- You can then "move bushes" to allow you to open the entrance.
- Sometimes you might take some damage trying to move the bushes (around 40 hitpoints)
- The key to unlock the cellar door can be found under the welcome mat at the front of the tower using the command "search under carpet"
- In the cellar is a locked metal door that has all sorts of messages such as "Keep out" and "Danger"
- There is a huge aggressive tinman in the next room (you can follow the crate in there).
- Also the control panel in the room is broken. The description says you will probably electrocute yourself if you try to use it. So if you don't follow the crate back out you'll be stuck in the room.
- Basically it's a murder room. I'd recommend against going in there unless you are really curious.
- There is a "desk" in the middle of the room which appears to be a big contraption
- On the desk is a big crate which you can put stuff in.
- If you put anything in the crate and "pull lever" the crate will move through the door. You can go through the door then too if you want to (Spoiler: You don't want to).
- When the crate returns, anything in it will have turned into a random dust clump.
- (If you are doing the AQ):
- Put the toasted beans (aka after you've given them to the fire elemental) in the box.
- Then pull the lever and wait for the box to return to you.
- The coffee beans will now be ground and you can give them to Oso!
- There is also a skeleton stuck in the dumbwaiter which is why it isn't working.
- If you "move skeleton" the dumbwaiter will start working and an angry ghost will appear and attack you. It's only a 6k monster though and pretty easy to kill.
- Once you do this, you can "operate dumbwaiter" to call it and "open dumbwaiter to enter it.
- Inside the dumbwaiter is the skull of the skeleton you picked up. If you have a friend they can also send you upstairs in it if you are so inclined.
- The portal can be found in the "outerland like" area in the middle of the burned ruins (X)s.
- The portal is guarded by a big red imp (20k monster) which blocks you from entering
- Killing it is pretty easy, the monster is good exp, and it drops a pitchfork which sells for 700 gold.
- After you go through the portal, you can continue through into hell
- This is another "outerworld like" area with roving aggressive hell hounds.
- Not all of the hellhounds are aggressive though. Look to see if they are red or green on the "outerworld" map.
- When in hell you will periodically take fire damage (around 40-60 hitpoints).
- This is very similar to the burning village area in batmud.
- In hell there is a wandering fire elemental. This can be identified as (e) on the map.
- (If you are doing the AQ):
- You can give your green beans to the elemental and it will hand them back to you but they will now be toasted
- You can also ask the elemental questions if you want.
- The topics I found work are "coffee", "beans", and "hellhounds".
Turning in Quest Items:
- Once you have the items you can return to Dr. Oso and give the items to him.
- "give bucket to Oso" response: (Side note, super annoying):
- You give a rusty iron bucket (full) to Oso.
- Doctor Oso takes one of the test tubes from his breast pocket and pours the water from the bucket into it. After this is done, he discards the bucket.
- Doctor Oso says 'Good, this is all the rain water I need. Thank you, Laki.'
- "give mug to Oso"
- You give a large coffee mug (empty) to Oso.
- Doctor Oso quickly stashes the coffee mug someplace safe.
- Doctor Oso says 'Good, this is my mug indeed. Thank you, Laki.'
- "give all bean to Oso"
- Doctor Oso quickly stashes the ground beans someplace safe.
- Doctor Oso says 'Good, this is all the ground brown beans I need. Thank you, Laki.'
- After you have done this, you need to "talk to Oso" to advance to the next stage of the quest.
- Doctor Oso says 'Mmm... You managed to complete my task! Give me a moment to brew the coffee.'
- Doctor Oso springs into action.
- First Doctor Oso heats the water in the test tube on a gas burner.
- While the water heats up, Doctor Oso takes a sieve, and puts the ground brown
- beans in it.
- Doctor Oso pours the now boiling water carefully on the sieve.
- Strangely refreshing aroma fills your nostrils as the water goes through the sieve into the coffee mug.
- Doctor Oso looks pleased with the result.
- After a few sips from the mug, Doctor Oso looks quite refreshed.
- Doctor Oso looks ready to talk to you again
- If you talk to Oso again you will have a list of different rewards you can pick.
- 1: Can I have some potions?
- 2: Can I have a trinket?
- Your reward is a green crystal ring.
- This is a great piece of equipment for Monks or Tigers.
- You WILL NOT get the AQ quest credit though!!!
- 3: Can I have a cup of coffee?
- Your reward will be the AQ and a small coffee cup
- The coffee will turn cold so you need to drink it in the first couple of minutes after you get it
- It didn't seem to impact my character in any way when drinking the coffee
- Reward text:
- Doctor Oso says 'Very well.'
- Doctor Oso gives you a cup of coffee.
- Congratulations! You have just completed Coffee time!
- You receive 450 gold as a reward for completing the quest.
- You receive 2 training points
- 4: I've heard you know the secret of filtered water.
- You get a recipe for filtered water.
- Not really sure what this does, but it may be helpful to a member of the alchemist guild.
- It can also be used to complete one of the Lucetium continent quests: [Link]
- Description:
- This paper contains a list of instructions on how to make an alchemical water purification device. Only a specialty organic alchemist could make use of such a thing
Kill Tracker:
- A large bush
- 12000 exp
- Drops 4-5 coffee beans
- A small red imp, running about wildly
- 6000 exp
- Drops 1-4 coffee beans
- A tiny rain cloud, flying above you
- 8000 exp
- This creature is invisible, and it will continue to move between rooms even when you attack it.
- An angry headless ghost
- 6000 exp
- A big red imp, leaning on its pitchfork
- 20000 exp
- Drops a small black pitchfork (+PSI damage)
- Drops dirty white underpants (Ewww)
- A mangy red hellhound
- 10000 exp
- Sometimes drops spikey steel collar.
- A huge tinman with a low brow and big brawn
- Drops a pair of goggles.
- No idea how much exp it is worth. My guess is a lot.
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