Valley of Silence
Continent: Desolathya
Quests:- None that I know of.
- LQ 49: Ivory Blades
- Warning: I've been told this is one of the more difficult level quests and requires a high level party and a lot of time to complete.
- Area Quest: Mastery of Magic
- None that I know of.
Open Questions:
- I'm focusing on doing the level quest
- I will be exploring the castle, but will largely be skipping the tower
- I quickly got in over my head in the castle. So I explored what I could without killing, but hit a wall as I need to start murdering shapeshifters to advance farther.
- The big thing about the entrance is that the valley of silence seems to lead to three distinct areas, a tower, a castle and a mountain
- Since I'm doing the level quest, I'm primarily going to explore the castle.
Castle (1st floor):
- In the entry hall you will encounter a comfortable looking couch
- When I first tried to search the couch I didn't find anything
- When I sat on the couch though I discovered a key (number 4) hidden in the pillows
- The commands I used were:
- sit couch
- search couch
- tear pillow
- You can find Gothar Strongshield, the Captain of the Guards in his office
- He seems like he will answer questions, but I couldn't think of anything to ask him to get a response.
- If you attach him, he will cast mirror image.
- Perhaps more importantly, disturblingly, he will transform once you get him down to 50% health.
- Description:
- Gothar seems to slow down and his face cringes in pain. Without further warning he spontaneously EXPLODES, showering you with guts and intestinal liquids. When you can see again, a horrible lizardlike creature leaps on you from where Gothar once stood!
- This shifter will be aggressive and starts roaming the castle. Basically it suddenly turns into a much tougher fight.
- In the well room is a suspicious well...
- There is a locked door with a number 2 on it. Doesn't match the key from the couch.
- When I tried to "lift rope" I got the message "who do you want to lift from the well?"
- There is a message that says you can see something glittering in the well
- I then tried "dive well" and ended up in the well
- There is no way to get out of the well by yourself. You need a friend topside to "lift" you....
- I eventually just teleported out of there (yay Riftwalker guild!) as I was exploring on my own
- In the art gallery
- The glass stands keep being highlighted as something easy to steal
- When I tried to "break stand" it says the glass doesn't even crack and must be magically protected
- In the throne room you can meet King Julian of the Halberdheath
- He seems like he will respond to questions, but I couldn't figure out a question that will provoke a response.
Castle (2nd floor):
- There is a wandering jester that will tell you jokes if you ask them.
- "ask jester about joke"
- In the temple you can meet Father Samanthus
- If you try to go into the confessional booth he stops you and say "No confessions today!"
- Father Samanthus also seems like someone you can ask questions, but I couldn't get him to respond to anything.
- For someone who looks frail, if you use the consider skill on him he is an absolute unit.
- In the library you can "look at titles" to see different books to read
- In the history book it references a deepfloor below the basement of the castle....
- In the food storage room you can "search shelf" to find food
- The food is really good. Many of the items will give you a temporary buff if you eat them!
Castle (3nd floor):
- To go west into the royal bedroom you need to unlock the door with the key labeled "4".
- This is the key you can find in the pillow
- In the royal bedroom "search closet" to free Queen Leyla who has been hiding in the closet
- She says slimy creatures took King Julian... but King Julian is in the throne room...
- I think we have a case of shapeshifters!!!
- If you go into the court magician's study you can meet Harlon the magician
- Harlon is annoyed to see you, and I couldn't get him to answer any questions
- Harlon also blocks you from going into his bedroom to the south.
Kill Tracker:
- A black sheep is resting down here
- 400 exp
- One of the castle's servants is dusting things here.
- 800 exp
- A servant rests her tired bones here
- 800 exp
- A castle guard doing his routine patrol
- 10000 exp
- Drops a nice selection of weapons and armour (shield, spear, leggings, cap, and vest)
- The castle's Court Jester bounces around here
- 500 exp
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