Urvile Tree (Also known as Soaring Woodhelvin)

Continent: Laenor Quests: N one that I know of. Equipment: N one that I know of. Open Questions: What are the bodies used for on the first level of Woodhelvin? Apparently merchants can "cannibalize" them for flesh, but I'm curious if there are other uses of them. I haven't explored past the first level due to a wandering strong aggressive monster Map: Notes: Entrance (Trunk and First Landing): Things don't seem to be going well for the woodhelvin people... On the first landing there are two bodies that you can pick up if you want The bodies are not edible if you have "eat corpse" Not sure what they are there for... There are cavewights wandering around the first level, so be careful about a monster joining the fun if you are attacking something else. There is also an aggressive "Strong" guard wandering around which was more than I could handle as a level 36 player. I'm going to hold off on further exploration for a while. Kill Tracker: p...