
Continent: Desolathya


  • LQ 16: Statue


  • Small Crystal Mallet
    • Obtained by completing LQ:16
    • Not sure how good this is, but you can sell it for 430 gold (so probably not that great)

Special Explore Room: 

  • There is a special explore room in the Ochamo of Air's treasure room
Open Questions:
  • The altar in the fire realm appears to be important, but I don't know how to properly interact with it


Map of Ochimo

Quest Notes:

Starting out:

  1. There is a statue. Reading the plaque I need to collect the parts and then say the name "Ejocu"
SW: Windy Plain:
  1. If you go east, it is a maze. It helps to drop mowlges to identify areas you have already been to. The map shows one way through it.
  2. Kill the king tornado and enter the portal
  3. Kill the warrior and then grab the arm from the next room
  4. This room is a special explore room!
    • Quote: "Reaching the treasury of the Ochimo of Air makes you feel more experienced.  Even though you have found the treasury, you feel like something is missing, as if you have only taken the first step towards something big."
SE: Fiery Plane:
  1. Random note: This is a weird unexplaned item but there is an altar in the fire area
    • If you pray at the altar you will get burnt and lose some HP. But I don't think anything else happens.
    • There's a lot of room descriptions that imply something big and monstrous came through this area, but there doesn't seem to be any gameplay impact or interactions from this.
    • Basically it seems like there is a secret here, but I haven't been able to figure it out.
  2. Kill the balrog as it blocks you
  3. Kill the warrior to enter the fire portal
NE/NW: Good and Dark Planes:
  1. Follow the maps, kill the guardian
  2. Then kill the warrior
  3. Finally pick up the statue part. (Note, didn't see anything interesting in these areas to make it worth splitting up their sections)
Putting it Together:
  1. Drop all the statue parts
  2. Say the magical word on the plaque. This word will change each time you do the quest
  3. The quest is completed and the Guardian of Kara-Tur shows up.
  4. You also get a crystal mallet
  5. Text: 
    • Congratulations! You have just completed Statue! You receive 4470 gold as a reward for completing the quest. Guardian of Kara-Tur says 'Thank you for restoring me.  You have done a great deed.  I give you this weapon to defeat the evil which has invaded my homeland.


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