Dark Castle

Continent: Laenor


  • A great area for high level newbies (or mid level players) to earn experience and money
  • The knights of the castle drop equipment which you can often lug bat to Arelium and sell for a decent amount
  • There's also a well written area quest!


  1. Area Quest: Intrigue at Dark Castle
    • Also known as "Let's make some cheesecake!!!"
    • This is soloable by mid level players.


Map of Dark Castle


A much more poetic write-up of the quest I found after the fact is available here: https://www.bat.org/community/library?str=1001

  • Starting out going east.
  • If you 'ask guide about map' they will hand you a map. It gives you a limited view around you in the castle.
  • When I got to the chapel, I noticed that Father Salvatore was guarding the "curtain" and would not let me "open curtain".
  • After killing Father Salvatore, was able to 'open curtain' to get into his distillery.
    • 'search shelves': reveals one bottle of wine. A 'Villa Antinori'
  • Going to the West way around the castle will lead you to the armory. A sign before it says "Commander's permit required to pass further". A knight sits there blocking advancement.
    • He was a pretty easy kill for a 11k monster
    • If you want to skip this fight, you can find a pass in the commander's desk.
  • Searching the shelves in the armory found a tinning kit in one room and a torch in another room.
  • As a warning, both Father Salvatore and Siegfried the Librarian will cast "Sex Change" on you to change your character's gender
    • You can get that swapped back in the Arelium hospital for 500 gold.
Going up the Middle (1st Floor):
  1. Entered the library. There are NPCs to kill here but not much else
  2. In the kitchen, the apprentice cook will reply to certain prompts
    • 'ask adriana about cheese' : "Mathias makes great cheesecakes!"
  3. If you 'ask Mathias about cheesecake' he asks you to help him. Complains that Adriana only cooks noodles
    • 'aks mathias about help' : "Get rid of the rats, find me some baking powder and some wine"
    • He will answer questions about the components. Says the rats are in the cellar.
  4. There is a boy washing vegetables that will also answer questions about ingredients and rats.
    • Boy says that Siegfried would know about wine. He's the librarian, but I wonder if this leads to the distillery I saw earlier?
    • Now I'm regretting killing Siegfried even more!
  5. Going back to ask siegfried about wine, he responds to ask the cleric about it!
    • If you ask about baking powder, he says ask either the cook or Aria
  6. Going to the "western" North from the library ends up in an engineering area.
    • 'open manhole' by the sewage machine opens a new route down ((holds nose))
    • The engineer will respond to asks about 'manhole' and 'rats'
  7. Going down the manhole, there is a machine in the room
    • 'Pull lever' causes something to try and happen but the pipes have a block
  8. Going into the laundry room you can ask the girl about 'rats', 'cheesecake', 'wine', 'laundry'.
    • The girl's response about laundry made me laugh.
  9. Aria has some interesting responses about 'rats', and specifically 'powder'
    • If you 'ask aria about powder' she says she put in in the drawer
    • If you 'search drawer' you will reveal some baking powder!
Cellar (Rat killing and drain unplugging time):
  1. The first thing I noticed is there are a lot of rat 'objects' but not NPCs that you can interact with.
  2. In the north - west, there is a room with a bat and a large green pipe. Use the command 'open lid'
  3. I went back to the sewage room (enter manhole from the 1st floor), and pulled the lever. All the lights went green, but I didn't see any other change.
  4. To the east in the cellar I came across a prisoner being tortured by a henchman
    • If you ask prisoner about monica he talks about how she knew he would get in trouble with the mice in the stew. You can also ask him about rats
    • If you ask prisoner about cook, he says he is the better cook and can make a dinner out of rats
    • WARNING: Do not attack the prisoner. He will cast money is power and destroy all the money you are carrying.
  5. There is a yellow pipe to the south / west. It says it spews sewage, but I don't see how to interact with it.
  6. There is a blue pipe to the south /east. It says it has lots of noise coming from it
  7. Went back up (and down through the manhole) to the machine. 'push button' until the light turns blue. Then pull lever. Lots of noise! Much rejoicing!
  8. Checked cellar. Nothing happened. Went back to machine. Pushed button. Light turned yellow. Pulled lever. Got a message the system is purged. Cellars are flooded. Take that rats!
    • I asked the cook about the rats and they said the rats had been killed! 
  9. Gave wine and baking powder to Mathias (the cook). They started to bake a cheesecake
    • I got the cheesecake. Now what? Do I eat it?
2nd Floor:
  1. Didn't find anything interesting in the barracks beyond some sleeping knights to kill.
  2. Talking to the mage:
    • 'ask mage about potions': he pointed out there were weak potions on the rack
    • He mentions he carries some poison around
  3. The potion rack has three potions: red, green, and blue. You can sip from them.
    • You can sip the potions.
      • The first one was a poison for me. Yup, it's poison all right and eventually killed me before I could make it to a sauna
      • The second one didn't do anything with my first sip, but turned me invisible with my second sip
      • The third one didn't do anything for me.
      • All potions were exhausted after two sips. Not sure how long it takes them to recharge.
  4. One south of the North Eastern guard tower there are some vines
    • Type "climb vines" to get onto the roof
  5. On the roof, talking to Uruka
    1. She just seems to talk in proverbs. Will respond with the same one if you 'ask uruka about pigeons'
  6. On the roof, talking to Kaiba
    1. You can play sticks with him by typing 'play sticks'
    2. I'm pretty sure the game is rigged. Since he can choose if he goes first or you do, he can guarantee that he wins.
  7. Going to the commander's office, met Kylie who was crying
    1. She wanted to get back at the commander
    2. Ask her about plan. She wants a cheesecake and some poison
  8. In the commander's office was the commander and a henchman
    1. If you ask the henchman about Kylie, he will wonder if she is up to something and leave the room to go watch her. I guess this may be helpful if you poison or try to kill the commander
    2. If you search the commander's desk, it will reveal a scroll with is a permit into the armoury
Completing quest: Intrigue at Dark Castle
  1. We have the cheesecake (described above)
  2. To get the poison, kill the mage. This is an annoying fight since he casts make scar, disorient, and lava lash. I'd really like to figure out how to get the poison from the rack if possible, but I don't see a way to do that.
  3. I distracted the henchmen by the commander by asking him about kylie
  4. I gave the poison and cheesecake to Kylie. She then took it and went into the Commander's office to give it to him
  5. Going into the commander's office, you see the commander eat the cheesecake and die a very bloody death. You can now get his stuff and you just completed the quest!
Open Questions:
  1. What's up with the people on the rooftop?
NPC Fight Notes:
  1. Castle Guide:
    • 21 exp
    • Don't bother killing this one
  2. A girl is wiping some dust off the shields:
    • 1757 exp
    • 2321 exp
    • Super easy. Was able to one hit kill
  3. Father Salvatore
    • 13182 exp
    • Blocks access to the distillery behind him.
    • I *think* he cast the spell 'sex change' on me
  4. A girl is mopping the floor here
    • 2899 exp
  5. A knight guarding the way north
    • Will agro at offensive actions
    • 11203 exp
  6. A girl is arranging the shelves
    • 1552 exp
  7. A knight, dozing in the corner
    • 5825 exp
  8. A young scribe, reading a book
    • 3362 exp
  9. A young scribe, working on some documents
    • 4229 exp
  10. Siegfried, the elder librarian
    • 6344 exp
    • I kind of felt bad about killing him
    • He will change your gender if you attack him.
  11. Adriana, the cook's apprentice
    • 4423 exp
  12. A girl scrubbing some clothes
    • 2407 exp
  13. A knight outlook
    • 4035 exp
  14. Kaiba
    • 7234 exp
  15. Uruka
    • 5471 exp
  16. A fluffy pigeon
    • 322 exp
  17. A knight, watching the sky
    • 10897 exp
  18. A gnomish engineer
    • 2887 exp
  19. Chiark
    • He casts a number of annoying spells including scar and disorient
    • He also casts some fire spells


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