Kath'vael Forest
Continent: Rothikgen
Quests:- One of the few low level friendly areas on the continent of Rothikgen
- A sub-task of "LQ 33: Northern raiders" happens here
- Flute of Slave's Sigh
- Single hand slot (glove)
- +3 dex, +5% spellcasting, emits light
- Great bard equipment
- Collar of the Cat Demon
- +2-3 dex
- Dropped by Sharav (the cat pet/demon of the high priest)
- This is a pretty easy piece of equipment to get
- Sells for 4.5k to a shopkeeper.
- Items to sell:
- Longsword of the Ogrekiller: 640 gold
- Club of a young dragon's thigh-bone 780 gold
Open Questions:
- I have a ton of questions. It feels like there are all sorts of secrets in this area that I don't know how to interact with
- What do the keys go to, and why can't I find them in every run?
- What happens when you win a game of chance against the skeleton?
- What is past Bloodlust the Giant-Kin?
- What's up with the peddler and does the equipment have any actual use in this area?
- There seems to be two big storylines (the adventurers/ogres and the deamon cult) that I can't figure out how to interact with.
- There's a altar in the temple that seems like it could be moved.
- To get the specialty flute from the Slave of Darkness, what type of flute do you need to give them and where do you get it?
- Supposedly you can summon Shariv in some manner, but I don't know how to do that.
- The entrance is a bit weird in the fact that you enter the area by tumbling down a hill. You then need to go north to climb back up the hill if you want to leave.
- Going west through the bushes and then north you will find a tree hut with a dark skeleton in it
- The skeleton says they have an item and that you will bet your life
- Use the command "sit table" to start gambling
- The game is "Spades and Diamonds". When you sit down the skeleton draws a card.
- Type "draw card" to draw your own card
- I'm not sure what happens if you win
- If you lose, the skeleton opens a trap door and you fall into a murder room with "Bloodlust, the self appointed giant-kin king". Bloodlust will block you from running away and hits like a two ton truck.
- Skipping the skeleton and going west you will come upon a shore being guarded by a fairy leader
- The fairy leader will stop you from going into the water the first time, but if you try again they will let you pass
- In the water you will see something glinting on the bottom of the pond if you dive down to it.
- The glinting is the light off a caniversous plant's "eyes".
- Despite what you might expect, the plant is not aggressive and is not particularly hard to kill.
- The plant does drop a skeletal key with small zalmiak-figured diamonds embedded in it
- I'm not sure what the key unlocks, but it's probably part of some mini-quest in this area
- Note: On a second run-through I killed the plant and it did not drop the key....
- Note 2: On a third run-through it did drop the key again...
East Portion of the Forest:
- Going east from the starting area leads you along a path. The first thing you'll encounter is a cart in the middle of the forest with a peculiar salesman manning it
- You can buy items from this like a normal store
- The one interesting item you can buy is the "dagger of salgor for 78 gold
- No idea what this dagger is for...
- Further east you'll encounter an ogre encampment
- They seem to be having a good time improving their camp
- Behind the ogres are a group of adventurers that are sneaking around
- They turn aggressive when hostile activity happens, and all three of them can be tough to take on at once
South Portion of the Forest (and Temple):
- Going the southern route you will encounter a lot of roaming aggressive mosquitoes
- If you keep going east you will encounter the "Slave of darkness" which is a giant mosquito
- I think it is saying "Bring me the flute"
- Looking at Dryad's site, it appears if you give the giant mosquito a flute, it will give you the Flute of Slave's Sigh which is a really nice dexterity piece of equipment.
- Not sure which flutes work for this. For example is it only Bard made equipment, or can it be random flutes that monsters (very rarely) drop?
- There are two colored stones by it (one red, and one blue), but I could not figure out how to interact with them.
- Continuing south you will run into a dilapidated temple
- This is home of the Red Deamon cult
- They seem to worship a deamon that will kill all races equally.
- In the temple there are some trap doors that provide one way access to an earlier room
- This seems pretty random. Not sure why they were added that way.
- In the inner part of the temple is a priest hiding from all the minions
- The priest is somehow surprised the minions of the murderous deamon wants to kill them too....
- The priest cast a lot of spells and does some serious damage to backrow party members.
- Going further in, the high priest is calling on the deamons to kill everyone including the adventurer in the name of "neutrality"
- If attacked, the high priest will cast "make scar" which is very annoying.
- The high priest will drop a "scroll of the deamon" which has a warning against reading it...
- There is a creepy red deamon miniature that will chain cast firebolts at you if you attack it.
- It isn't that tough, but the firebolts will wreck you if you are not careful.
- There is also an altar in the inner temple with a bunch of scrapes on the floor around it.
- It really seems like you should be able to move the altar to reveal a secret passage below it, but I couldn't figure out how to interact or move it.
- If you read the scroll of the deamon here, it will teleport you to the head priest's secret room where Sharav their cat resides.
- Sharav is aggressive, but pretty easy to kill and drops a nice piece of equipment.
Kill Tracker:
- Various mosquitos
- 1400 exp
- The fairy leader, Owldar of the pond
- 4200 exp
- A slightly mischievous fairy
- 2200 exp
- An intelligent, carnivorous water plant
- 3800 exp
- Drops a skeletal key with small zalmiak-figured diamonds
- A small hobbit thief called Calishite the Clumsy
- 3300 exp
- A beautiful woman dressed in black
- 4000 exp
- Can cast heal spells
- A mysterious fighter hiding behind some bushes
- 7000 exp
- Drops longsword of the Ogrekiller
- An old ogre is playing with some sharp rocks here |
- 6500 exp
- Fat ogre is enlargening their camp, looking rather bewildered
- 4000 exp
- A skinny ogre is gathering more wood for the campfire
- 9000 exp
- Drops Club of a young dragon's thigh-bone
- A minion in dark clothes is lurking here
- 5500 exp
- A lesser priest of the Red Daemon cult
- 4000 exp
- A priest of the Red Daemon cult
- 7500 exp
- A high priest of the red demon cult
- 5000 exp
- Drops a scroll of the deamon
- A tired old rat looking for food
- 500 exp
- A grimacing war priest, meleeing the minions of evil
- 6500 exp
- A fierce red daemon miniature staring at you
- 12000 exp
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