Dr. Livingstone Hunting Quests (LQ 47: Master Hunter)


  • A standing quest to hunt outerworld animals and monsters across Batmud and bring them back to Dr. Livingstone in Esiris for fame and money.
    • You will have a time limit to kill one of three different targets and bring their corpse back to Dr. Livingstone for a reward.
  • To complete Level Quest 47, you need to earn 250 hunting points across a single reincarnation
    • Aka no maxing yourself to level 100, getting the points, and then collecting them on your next reincarnation.
  • The reason I'm writing this guide is I want to highlight some of the various activities you can do when playing Batmud that aren't just grinding the same area over and over again for EXP and money.

Interacting with Dr. Livingstone:

  • You can use the command "tell livingstone help" to get more information about the quest
  • To find Dr. Livingstone go to Esiris, and then "tell livingstone where".
    • He will then tell you what part of Esiris he is in
    • You can identify him on the mini-map as a 'H'

  • You can use the command "tell livingstone status" to get a list of which monsters/animals are the current target and for how long
  • Use the following command(s) to turn in your reward to Dr. Livingstone
    • "present corpse": If this is just you turning in the corpse for a reward
    • "present party": If you are a member of a party and want all your members to get credit for the reward.
  • You can use the "list" command to buy potions of corpse preservation for 2000 gold
    • Each potion has four charges so it's a pretty reasonable price
    • You can "throw potion at corpse" to preserve it so it doesn't rot away as you are trying to bring it back.
Where to Find Outerworld Creatures:
  • Dryad's website has an amazing list of outerworld creatures and where to find them. [Link]
    • Note: It seems like some creatures occur more often on a specific continent. So Dryad's website is a good place to start looking, but you may need to do some additional hunting learning as you go along.
  • Very Easy Targets:
    • 2 to 10 hunt points, and around 2k gold
    • Example Monsters:
      • a small and cute chipmunk (200 EXP monster)
      • a grumpy old ram (1k EXP monster)
      • a white, long-winged seagull with a dark back (1k EXP monster)
      • a stately king crab (3k EXP monster)
      • a small smooth earth snake (2k monster)
  • Easy Targets:
    • 12 to 15 hunt points, and around 6k gold
    • Example Monsters:
      • a majestic albatross soars here (8k EXP monster)
      • a wriggling electric eel (22k EXP monster. STUNS!!!)
      • a wriggling moray eel  (28k EXP monster. Lots of HP)
      • a sky-high adult giraffe (15k EXP monster)
  • TBD: I'll fill in more as I kill more advanced monsters
General Comments and Tips:
  • Make sure you turn off your rip_action before going hunting!!!
  • Also, make sure you use the potion of preserve corpse on your kills
    • Corpses disintegrate on random intervals. So I've tried to be stingy a couple of times and had a corpse disappear within two minutes so I was unable to complete the bounty.
  • Monster targets seemed to be active for around 40 minutes, with the harder monsters being active for longer. So I'd recommend checking every once in a while when you are doing other things.
    • You can also "tell livingstone notify on" to be alerted when new targets become available
  • If you are only going after easy targets for the level quest, expect to need to kill around 21 targets.
    • This quest is going to take a while on your own....
    • On the plus side, you'll also make over 125k gold!
  • Sometimes the corpses are too heavy to carry...
    • The potion of preserve corpse will temporarily give you super strength to pick up corpses
      • You may need to try to pick up the corpse a couple of times after throwing the potion at it.
    • If you can, cast feather weight at the corpse to make them lighter
    • You can take off equipment and put it in your frame to make it lighter, then pick up the corpse.
    • Put all your coins in your coin purse, or drop less valuable coins.
    • Ask for help from somebody on the newbie or wanted channels.


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