Ancona Manor

Continent: Furnachia Description: I absolutely love this area. It was really well coded and the quest is a ton of fun to solve. Easily in the top 10 areas of Batmud. One of the more Newbie/Midbie friendly areas in Furnachia. Feel free to explore since there aren't any aggressive monsters that I'm aware of.... Update/Warning: If you wear any red clothing one of the monsters will turn aggressive and attack you. They are a "beefy" fella so it'll be a pretty quick death. Quests: LQ 48: Successor of Province This is a real fun level quest. No fighting and all exploring. So anyone can complete this! Spoilers can be found below, but I strongly recommend exploring this area and figuring things out yourself and only referring to this guide if you get stuck. Go to the manor to get things started... Equipment: A shimmering blue necklace with a silver plaque +4 WIS 'squeeze necklace' for water walking (one time a boot) This is the reward for completing the level que...