
Showing posts from August, 2022

Shadow Sabres Notes

Guild Location: Continent : Rothikgen World Location: Shadowkeep Location of Guild: In the Imposing Conservatorium. Go down "stairway" Guild Requirements: Civilized Background Map of Shadow Sabres and Bard Guilds: Disclaimer: There's a lot of things I still don't know about the guild and the official documentation is pretty sketchy. Take everything with a healthy degree of skepticism as a lot of it could be wrong. That being said, I'm currently ranked #32 in the guild in style points, and have ran semi-repeatable tests, so I have tried to base my findings on logs/data vs. gut instinct when possible. If you see something wrong, please let me know in the comments so I can correct it! My Overview of the Guild: I love this guild, but I have a hard time recommending it. It's a melee class, but as a civilized background you don't have the hitpoints of nomad guilds. Sabres feels like a guild for highbies to reincarnate into, as I could see it pairing well with o...

Dark Castle

Continent:  Laenor Description: A great area for high level newbies (or mid level players) to earn experience and money The knights of the castle drop equipment which you can often lug bat to Arelium and sell for a decent amount There's also a well written area quest! Quests:    Area Quest: Intrigue at Dark Castle Also known as "Let's make some cheesecake!!!" This is soloable by mid level players. Map: Notes: A much more poetic write-up of the quest I found after the fact is available here: Entrance: Starting out going east. If you 'ask guide about map' they will hand you a map. It gives you a limited view around you in the castle. When I got to the chapel, I noticed that Father Salvatore was guarding the "curtain" and would not let me "open curtain". After killing Father Salvatore, was able to 'open curtain' to get into his distillery. 'search shelves': reveals one bottle of w...


Continent :   Desolathya Quests:   LQ 16: St atue Equipment:   Small Crystal Mallet Obtained by completing LQ:16 Not sure how good this is, but you can sell it for 430 gold (so probably not that great) Special Explore Room:   There is a special explore room in the Ochamo of Air's treasure room Open Questions: The altar in the fire realm appears to be important, but I don't know how to properly interact with it Map: Quest Notes: Starting out: There is a statue. Reading the plaque I need to collect the parts and then say the name "Ejocu" SW: Windy Plain: If you go east, it is a maze. It helps to drop mowlges to identify areas you have already been to. The map shows one way through it. Kill the king tornado and enter the portal Kill the warrior and then grab the arm from the next room This room is a special explore room ! Quote: "Reaching the treasury of the Ochimo of Air makes you feel more experienced.  Even though you have found the treasury, you feel like somet...


Continent :  Desolathya Quests: LQ 30 Rescue Dorian LQ 30 Rescue Dorian Look at the village men until you see one with something wield with their coat. Kill them, and search their coat for a key Go to the elder room and " search cupboard s" to get the garlic Just to be safe, go to the cleric and "ask help" to get a flask of holy water Go to Beryl, and find the shopkeeper. Buy necklace Go into the temple and "show necklace to guardian" to get past them Push altar and go down. Drink flask, drop garlic, and then "release dorian" Special Explore Room: If you climb the slope to the shepherd , this is a special explore room On checking this again, I'm not sure if it is an official special explore room. But it is neat. Open Questions: What is the deal with the broken fishing rod and the lake? Does the holy water do anything? Is there any reason to go past the smith (silver necklace?) or into Deverah's room where her kid is? I've been told th...

The Mythical Valley

Continent :  Desolathya Quests:  LQ 29 King Side quest: Kill the drake, get the blackblade Side quest: Kill the hermit, get Mythiko (Hard, monster will destroy equipment)  Open Questions: No idea what happens when you defeat the prince of darkness I'd like to better understand Qlui. What are they looking for? Why do they drop musical equipment? I have so many questions about Qlui! Map: Quest Notes: Word of power: Go into the citadel. Note: you can 'enter hole' in the southern stairs area to visit a hidden area. Going up the tower in the hidden area you can enounter Max the magician. If you kill him and wear his gloves, they give you a poor 'consider' skill if you wave at someone. Not that helpful but may help you get an idea about a monster's strength if using consider would agro them. Go to the norther stairs and go down. Kill witch to get ring Go to statue with ring. Say SHAZAM backwards. Aka MAZAHS Comments by Sonny/Palidan Sonny says: I remember so little......