
Showing posts from July, 2024

Ancona Manor

Continent:  Furnachia Description: I absolutely love this area. It was really well coded and the quest is a ton of fun to solve. Easily in the top 10 areas of Batmud. One of the more Newbie/Midbie friendly areas in Furnachia. Feel free to explore since there aren't any aggressive monsters that I'm aware of.... Update/Warning:  If you wear any red clothing one of the monsters will turn aggressive and attack you. They are a "beefy" fella so it'll be a pretty quick death. Quests: LQ 48: Successor of Province This is a real fun level quest. No fighting and all exploring. So anyone can complete this! Spoilers can be found below, but I strongly recommend exploring this area and figuring things out yourself and only referring to this guide if you get stuck. Go to the manor to get things started... Equipment: A shimmering blue necklace with a silver plaque +4 WIS 'squeeze necklace' for water walking (one time a boot) This is the reward for completing the level que...

Kath'vael Forest

Continent:  Rothikgen Description: One of the few low level friendly areas on the continent of Rothikgen Quests: A sub-task of "LQ 33: Northern raiders" happens here Equipment: Flute of Slave's Sigh Single hand slot (glove) +3 dex, +5% spellcasting, emits light Great bard equipment Collar of the Cat Demon +2-3 dex Dropped by Sharav (the cat pet/demon of the high priest) This is a pretty easy piece of equipment to get Sells for 4.5k to a shopkeeper. Items to sell: Longsword of the Ogrekiller: 640 gold Club of a young dragon's thigh-bone 780 gold Open Questions: I have a ton of questions. It feels like there are all sorts of secrets in this area that I don't know how to interact with What do the keys go to, and why can't I find them in every run? What happens when you win a game of chance against the skeleton? What is past Bloodlust the Giant-Kin? What's up with the peddler and does the equipment have any actual use in this area? There seems to be two big st...

Dr. Livingstone Hunting Quests (LQ 47: Master Hunter)

Description: A standing quest to hunt outerworld animals and monsters across Batmud and bring them back to Dr. Livingstone in Esiris for fame and money. You will have a time limit to kill one of three different targets and bring their corpse back to Dr. Livingstone for a reward. To complete Level Quest 47 , you need to earn 250 hunting points across a single reincarnation Aka no maxing yourself to level 100, getting the points, and then collecting them on your next reincarnation. The reason I'm writing this guide is I want to highlight some of the various activities you can do when playing Batmud that aren't just grinding the same area over and over again for EXP and money. Interacting with Dr. Livingstone: You can use the command "tell livingstone help" to get more information about the quest To find Dr. Livingstone go to Esiris, and then "tell livingstone where". He will then tell you what part of Esiris he is in You can identify him on the mini-map as a ...

Mage Apprentice Training Area

Continent:  Laenor Location: You can find this area by going to the Mage training tower in the city of Arelium. Go up to the second floor of the tower and then enter the portal Description: An amazing place for midbies to earn experience and money after they have graduated from the Dorttlewall Crystite Mines. There's only a few aggressive monsters, and most monsters drop money and random pieces of equipment you can sell. Also most of the roaming monsters give between 2k and 8k experience when you kill them. Quests: N one that I know of, but there are a lot of suspicious locked doors.... Equipment: Monsters drop a ton of random equipment you can sell Open Questions: There's a lot of locked doors which I don't know how to open The acid tower is the only elemental tower without a door... Super suspicious... Map: Notes: Entrance: Almost all of the monsters wander over the training area. So I didn't bother to draw them in the maps. Players will often collect dropped equipmen...