Millie's Nightmare (Area)

Continent: Desolathya Description: A hidden area to explore. It is not marked by a "?" on the map so you need to use the world map to find this area You access it by using the command "sleep" in the campsite. Once you do this, it'll transport you to the real area. Note: Once you enter this area by sleeping, you need to traverse the area to exit it or you can use the command "wake" to wake up. Mounts and minions cannot be summoned into this area. Quests: N one that I know of. Equipment: N one that I know of. Open Questions: Tons of questions actually. This area seems like it has a lot of secrets. Looking at the batwiki [ link ] there are a ton of creatures and areas I haven't found yet. I have no idea how to get to them though. Map: Notes: Entrance (Abandoned Campsite): If you "sleep" it will take you to the main area To leave quickly, type "wake" and it will transport you back to the entrance room Note: You will leave your mo...