Fraggle Village

Continent: Lucetium

  • A good Midbie area with lots of easy 2k- 5k monsters to kill.
  • The Fraggles in this town moved out of Fraggle Rock. So it's not really based on that show.
    • Like a lot of the areas, this is a "sad/moody" view of the universe it was based on
  • None of the rooms offer explore EXP which is disappointing.

  • None that I know of. 
  • You can buy potions of speed from the shady fraggle which will increase your Dex by 21 for around 10 minutes
    • Note: These potions only last one boot. They don't save in your inventory.
  • You can get a random spell scroll from the Mayor by giving her a potion of speed
Open Questions:
  • Is there any downside to drinking the potion of speed?
  • I haven't been able to explore the cellar yet since Ripido is too tough for me to solo
Map of Fraggle Village


Entrance (Town around the Bar, Marketplace, and the Mayor's House):
  • The first thing of note is there are fast fraggles running all around
    • If you attack them, they will keep moving so if you don't kill them immediately you'll need to chase them.
  • To the south is a nice house with a paranoid fraggle in it who will attack you.
    • Can't really blame them since you are barging into their house....
  • In the dark alley there is a shady fraggle selling some speed
    • It costs 1150 gold
    • When I drank it, it increased my Dex by 21!!!
    • Not sure if there is any downside, but the bonus seemed to last a while.
    • It seemed to last around 10 minutes. I didn't time it (I should have), so that's just a guess.
  • In the Mayor's house, the butler will block your way up the stairs
    • Once you dispose of the butler, upstairs you'll find the mayor (a human) who is asking for potions of speed to keep up with the fraggles.
    • If you give a potion of speed to here (purchased from the shady fraggle) she will give you a random potion.
    • She only has one scroll though, so you can't stock up unfortunately.
    • You can figure out what the scroll does by looking up the spell vocals at this link.
  • Continuing around town, in the southeast corner of the road behind the bar there is a fraggle merchant
    • They sell tasty oranges for 80 gold each
    • To buy one, type "buy fruit"
  • If you go into the marketplace there is another merchant
    • This one will sell you "junk", basically random tools and items, for 200 gold each
    • Just "buy junk" to get an item
Bar, and the cellar below the bar:
  • The name of the bar is Ripido's Tavern
  • Going around to the back of the bar you can meet Ripido who has a lot of stories to tell
    • Ripido certainly seems to have traveled the world. He will answer questions about other areas in Batmud.
    • Ripido also casts haste and is one of the tougher creatures to kill in this area (40k monster)
    • He complains about Zucpux who stole his ring and is hiding in the cellar
    • If you kill him, he drops a key to the bar. This unlocks the back door, but it also unlocks the cellar!
  • To get into the cellar, go one west of Ripido and then "search floor"
    • You can unlock the cellar door using the key from Ripido.
    • I have not been able to do this yet, so exploring the cellar will have to wait for another day.
Kill Tracker:
  • A rapid fraggle running around the block
    • 4000 exp
    • Warning, this character will keep running so you'll need to chase them, potentially agroing a lot of other creatures
  • A paranoid fraggle ambushing you
    • 8000 exp
  • A freggle strolling around the marketplace
    • 2000 exp
  • A fraggle walking around
    • 4500 exp
  • A fraggle merchant selling fruit
    • 17000 exp
    • Drops a random piece of armour
  • A fraggle enjoying his beer
    • 2400 exp
  • A drunken fraggle wabbling around
    • 6000 exp
  • A drunken singing fraggle
    • 4000 exp
  • An old fraggle stands here bored with life
    • 1000 exp
  • A sophisticated fraggle butler
    • 10000 exp
  • Sheela, the sexy mayor of the town
    • 12000 exp
  • A fraggle showing off firebreathing tricks
    • 17000 exp
    • Drops a torch


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