Bunny Valley

Continent: Laenor Level Limit: Max Player Level: 55 Enforcement Mechanism: 100k Blocking Monster Description: A newbie/midbie area with lots of bunnies worth around 2k EXP each to kill The Wizard coder claimed they made this area in one day as a sort of challenge The bunnies are tough for 2k creatures, but this is a popular place for Midbie (Levels 30 - 55) players to come through and get a bunch of kills quickly. Quests: There is a quest given by Liedhe the Lizardman, who is near the entrance, to explore other areas of Batmud. I've explored a lot of the newbie areas the places he wanted me to explore did not look familiar to me. So I suspect this is geared more to Midbies. No idea what the reward is. This also might be tied to the Ghost Liberators Guild There seems to be some mystery in the temple regarding a stuck drain Equipment: N one that I know of. Open Questions: Is there anything special about the stones in the valley? What is the reward for completing Liedhe's ...