Mithil Stonedown

Continent: Laenor Quests: None that I'm aware of, though this is a pretty good exp area. Also the monsters drop money which is nice. This is also a safe place for newbies to explore for exp Notable Equipment: Gaward drops a Russian autumn cloak (+1 avoid) Open Questions: Does the Pixie dust do anything? Map: Notes: Getting There: It's quite a long hike off the main roads to get here There are a bunch of areas around here based on the "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" series of books. This is the "lowbie" area of the set. Entrance (Village and area north): The villages will not initially turn aggressive if you attack another of them in the room, but they will occasionally turn aggressive based on offensive skill/spell usage Yerquin and Quirrel are much tougher than the other residents on this side of the town Triock is also more powerful than a lot of the residents. They will cast anti-magic field which is a real pain when trying to kill them. Killing...