
Showing posts from January, 2025

Valley of Silence

Continent:  Desolathya Description: N one that I know of.  Quests: LQ 49: Ivory Blades Warning: I've been told this is one of the more difficult level quests and requires a high level party and a lot of time to complete.  Area Quest: Mastery of Magic Equipment: N one that I know of.  Open Questions: I'm focusing on doing the level quest I will be exploring the castle, but will largely be skipping the tower I quickly got in over my head in the castle. So I explored what I could without killing, but hit a wall as I need to start murdering shapeshifters to advance farther. Map: Notes: Entrance: The big thing about the entrance is that the valley of silence seems to lead to three distinct areas, a tower, a castle and a mountain Since I'm doing the level quest, I'm primarily going to explore the castle. Castle (1st floor): In the entry hall you will encounter a comfortable looking couch When I first tried to search the couch I didn't find anything When I sat on the couc...

Village of Shrea (Also known as Hobbit Farmhouse, and Alchemist House)

Continent:  Lucetium Description: A great newbie area with lots of areas to explore, many of secrets to learn, and easy to kill monsters that are not aggressive (until you go into the woods that is). Also you can become a beekeeper to earn some extra money which is always nice! Warning: Beekeeping is an investment (both time and money) and might not be a great newbie money activity Quests: Area Quest: Alchemist's Dilemma I won't spoil much here but this is an easy area quest that anyone can do That being said, one part of the quest can only be completed at night (as in nighttime inside of Batmud). You can check the time using the "time" command. Equipment: N one that I know of.  Open Questions: I need to look into the caravan side quests. See "help caravan" in batmud In the brewery cellar is there anyway to drink from the barrels (or for that matter do anything cool down there)? Seems like a lot of work to get somewhere so boring. I keep earning reputation w...