Valley of Silence

Continent: Desolathya Description: N one that I know of. Quests: LQ 49: Ivory Blades Warning: I've been told this is one of the more difficult level quests and requires a high level party and a lot of time to complete. Area Quest: Mastery of Magic Equipment: N one that I know of. Open Questions: I'm focusing on doing the level quest I will be exploring the castle, but will largely be skipping the tower I quickly got in over my head in the castle. So I explored what I could without killing, but hit a wall as I need to start murdering shapeshifters to advance farther. Map: Notes: Entrance: The big thing about the entrance is that the valley of silence seems to lead to three distinct areas, a tower, a castle and a mountain Since I'm doing the level quest, I'm primarily going to explore the castle. Castle (1st floor): In the entry hall you will encounter a comfortable looking couch When I first tried to search the couch I didn't find anything When I sat on the couc...