Burning Village

Continent: Desolathya Description: Back story : Member of the Crimson Skull League (Chaos Warriors) are attacking the city As the name implies, this is a burning village. You will periodically take fire damage while in this area so don't idle here, and don't regen inside the area itself. A small area that is good for level 30ish players to make some money and exp. Mobs drop a lot of equipment that you can sell. Also a major city (Calythien) is right by this area making selling equipment to vendors very easy. Note: There is an entire shadow realm version of this area that is accessible via the shrine The shadow realm is a step up in difficulty but can still be tackled by players level 35-40. Quests: No official quests, but you get some neat flavor text and a belt for saving the village priest. You can then free some shadowy souls from the raiders to get a shadow blade. Equipment: Dark Shadowy Scythe + Cold damage scythe Good for a newbie Reaver. Otherwise sell it. Sells for 1...