
Continent: Lucetium Description: A very remote midbie area that is limited to players under level 50 Good experience and the guards drop equipment that you can sell for a lot of money if you can haul it away. Seems like one of the "forgotten areas" of Batmud. It's very unlikely you'll run into other players here. As of this writing, there are no nearby navigator trees Also there are no nearby player cities. IMPORTANT: This area appears to be closed during Batmud's winter. You can tell the season in every continent by using the 'time all' command. Level Limit: Level 50 level limit This is enforced by a colossal gate guard (Blocking Monster) Quests: LQ 45: Victi Vicimus There are two possible end bosses for this quest, a lion, and a gladiator Of the two, the gladiator is much, much easier. The lion will chase you around the arena preventing you from healing. I'd strongly recommend waiting to complete this quest on a day the gladiator is the end boss. Yo...