
Continent: Lucetium Description: A good area for midbies for earning money and experience This is one of the most popular areas in Batmud. Also full of death traps so it helps to know what you are doing here.... I would *highly* recommend avoiding the areas outside the anthill if you are just trying to earn EXP. That being said, the areas outside the anthill are full of *ADVENTURE* and *FUN* Quests: Area Quest: The Ant Hill You need to collect the following three items: The tinder box can be found in the "hidden" slime area. Once down there go NW past an aggressive snail and then "search pool" The tools are dropped by the fearless soldier ant in the top (3nd) level of the anthill The tobacco pouch set is dropped by the ant queen I believe (a 40k monster) The items save over reboots. So you can collect them over the course of several playing sessions Also if someone else collects the items and drops them (for example by killing the ant queen), you can still pick t...