Batmud Ferry System

Introduction: How Ferries are Used in Batmud: At one time, all of Batmud resided on one giant continent. While this was simple, it caused problems as traveling between areas took a long time. This went double if your character didn't have the hiking skill and a small number of hit-points (cough, mages, cough). To simplify things, the Badmud wizards caused a giant cataclysm that broke Batmud up into five different continents. Laenor: The starting continent for new players. Most (but not all) low level areas are here, and the outerworld monsters tend to be a bit tamer. Desolathya: This will likely be your next most traveled continent as you level up. Truth be told, this continent has a bit of an identity crisis as there are some very early (as in less than player level 20) newbie areas as well as tougher areas. Lucentium: Lots of good areas as your character get closer to player level 40. Be warned, this is one of the wilder continents with lots of different creatures wandering aro...